23. Night Changes

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Author's Note: I swear you all keep tying up my poll to make me panic-write one chapter of each of these. You're doing it on purpose AREN'T YOU? lol someone go break the tie? For good?

23. Night Changes

Harry watched Scott closely.

He was acting... erratic.

Not terribly so. In fact, it didn't appear that he was drinking more than the others, but upon further inspection, he certainly was.

His smile still wasn't quite reaching his eyes.

Harry didn't understand. He had had such a perfect day with him, in his opinion, anyway. He watched as Niall laughed at something that Scott said, as Scott finished his fourth double. He watched in horror as Niall leaned forward towards the bartender, ordering two shots.

Scott had just taken the lime out from between his lips when Harry touched his elbow, lightly. "I need some air. Will you come outside with me?"

Scott nodded, placing the glass on the bar and allowing Harry to lead him out by the hand.

"I'll order the next round. What'll it be?" Niall asked as Scott was led away.

Harry turned towards his bandmate with a pointed look. "Let's take a breather, Nialler."

He felt Scott become rigid in his grasp, but he continued to pull on him, anyway, stopping only when they were on the small patio behind the building.

"You okay?" Scott asked, lightly. Harry watched as Scott ran a hand through his hair. He made a mental note to watch that small tic from now on. He was starting to think that it was Scott's sign of discomfort.

"Yeah, great," Harry lied with a smile. "Just... wanted to..." he leaned closer to the slightly taller man, and Scott swayed slightly until his back was pressed against the brick wall. Scott laughed loudly and abruptly.

He was drunk. But Harry didn't need to see that movement to know so.

He pressed their lips against one another, and tried to ignore the taste of the tequila that he had just had.

Harry pulled back after a moment, and Scott leaned forward, trying to keep their lips together.

That was a good sign at least, Harry supposed.

But Scott's face as they separated wasn't.

"What about you? Are... are you okay?"

He watched as Scott stared back at him for a moment before nodding, running a hand through his hair again.

And suddenly, that previously cute little movement was actually annoying.

"Your hair looks fine," Harry said, rigidly. "Perfect, actually."

"Okay." Scott looked at the ground. "Did I do something wrong?"

"What? No. Just... wondering why you seem to be a bit... thirsty... today."

Scott's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. Then they softened. "I'll stop. That was my last one. Promise."

The sudden change in demeanor startled Harry, and he reached out for the man who was leaning against the wall.

A couple emerged from the doors, and Harry took a step backwards, rubbing the back of his neck, sheepishly.

One photo and an awkward conversation later, they were alone again.

Scott reached for his hair, but Harry's hand clasped his, intertwining their fingers to interrupt the action.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked, desperate to know what was going on in his head.

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