30. It's Different Now

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Author's Note: The penultimate chapter! I'm giving you the last two today because I saw that reads have completely deteriorated. lol thank you for those of you who have stuck around! 

30. It's Different Now

"You were right. Your father is a precious angel," Harry said, finishing up in the bathroom and sauntering closer to the bed to climb in.

One excellent change that had been made in recent weeks was that their sleeping arrangement required significantly less clothing each night.

Harry claimed that sleeping in their underwear only was due to temperature control reasons. Scott saw right through that bullshit, but he didn't dare complain as Harry crawled into bed in next-to-nothing.

"I told you," Scott laughed. "Giant puppy."

"He loves you. Like... a lot," Harry said, turning to look at him, his eyes serious.

"Yeah. He's my father, so that's kind of his job."

Harry laughed, pulling Scott closer. "No. He goes above and beyond the bare minimum of being a father. Your whole family adores you, come to think of it."

"Well, I've been replaced as the favorite awfully quickly, anyway," Scott said, settling his head against Harry's shoulder. "They wouldn't shut up about you. At first I thought that maybe they were starstruck. But apparently you really turned up the charm tonight."

He pulled away to smile at Harry, but his boyfriend was frowning.

"Wasn't trying to just be charming. Was just trying to let them get to know me."

An uneasiness sat in Scott's stomach at the tone of Harry's voice, and he flipped onto his stomach, propped up on his elbows so he could look into those green eyes a bit better.

"You're naturally charming, handsome," Scott attempted again, trying to do so with a teasing smile.

It worked, and Harry smiled in return. "Well, I loved them." Harry shifted so he was laying, half on top of Scott's back with his arms around him, and with his lips pressed against his shoulder. "Now let's stop talking about your father while I have my groin rubbing up against your ass, while I have you nearly completely naked." Scott felt Harry place a kiss between his shoulder blades and laughed.

"Yeah, I second that notion," Scott agreed.

Scott tried to hold it together as they left his family behind in Dallas. He boarded the bus and begged himself to contain his tears. Not that it mattered. His bandmates were all in various states of upset as well, having to separate from their own families again.

Harry curled up with him on the couch immediately, sensing that he didn't want to talk, but that he needed to be close to someone.

Harry already had a knack for knowing just what Scott needed, after only one month of dating. It was a bit terrifying, whenever Scott stopped to think about it.

Scott was getting pretty good at reading Harry as well. Harry had his own insecurities and demons, it seemed, and he had a tendency to close himself off sometimes, as well.

It always seemed to surround old pictures that would pop up on Instagram or Twitter, or an innocent comment made by one of Scott's bandmates. And the trigger almost always seemed to be Mark.

Scott was doing a good job of pushing Mark out of his memory and out of his heart for good. He just had to convince Harry of this fact.

Two weeks after Dallas, they had two shows scheduled in LA. It was always weird to come home before tour was over. Pentatonix had always tried to begin or end the tour in their home city, but they understood that this wasn't going to be possible this time.

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