19. Save You Tonight

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19. Save You Tonight

They sat down at the large dinner table, feeling wiped out from their tour of the city.

Harry watched across the table as Mitch looked around, nervously, his hand resting on the empty seat next to him. He watched his eyes brighten, and Harry didn't need to turn to look at why that was.

"Hey," Scott said, taking the empty seat and picking up the menu.

"Hey, he lives!" Louis exclaimed. Scott shot him a smile as Mitch began to talk softly into his ear.

Harry watched the hushed discussion across the table with a weight in his heart. Scott looked a lot like he did before Harry had figured out how to help him sleep a couple of weeks ago. He looked like he might faint. Except this time, he wasn't trying to plaster a smile on his face. He wasn't trying to fool anyone.

Harry would love to help him to sleep again. Truthfully, he had slept beautifully with Scott in his arms as well.

"You did what?" Mitch nearly yelled, making Scott jump backwards slightly in his seat. Mitch glanced around the table before leaning back in. "Why would you do that to yourself?"

Harry narrowed his eyes at the pair. He didn't care that he was clearly staring. He was determined to figure out what Mitch had meant with that statement.

Kirstin shot him a concerned look from farther down the table, and he looked down at his appetizer, deciding that staring at them wasn't going to help.

Dinner was uneventful, though he noticed that Scott pushed his food around his plate, taking a total of five bites for the entirety of the meal. The only plus side was that he was drinking water. There was no alcohol in front of him at all.

Harry rode the elevator with Niall, as the others decided to stay at the bar for a few rounds. Scott had excused himself a few minutes early.

"Have we finished punishing him, yet?" Niall's soft voice broke the silence.

"Don't know what you mean, Nialler."

"Did you know that Manila is like... torture for him?"

Harry poked the button for their floor, begging himself not to take the bait. "And why is that?" He asked, failing. At least he was able to make his voice sound bored.

"Forget it. Nevermind. I'll go check on him, myself."

"He's fine, Niall."

"He's not, Haz."

Harry felt the back of his neck becoming heated.

"Manila meant a lot to..." Niall started, as the doors opened on their floor.

"You know what? I really don't want to hear it, Niall. Go check on him, then. Go have your turn. I hear he's good at what he does."

Harry felt Niall's glare on his back as he walked towards his room. "What the hell has gotten into you?" the blond nearly snarled. But Harry slammed his door instead of answering.

Louis knocked on his door an hour later. He grumbled as he opened it, walking away before inviting Louis in. He didn't need an invitation, and walked in anyway.

"What'd you say to piss off the sweet little Nialler?" Louis asked. "Seriously, Haz, you're becoming unhinged."

Harry sat on his bed and ran his hands through his hair. He had to ask. He had to know. It had been weighing on his mind for days.

"What did they do together?"

Louis raised an eyebrow, taking a seat next to him. "Do you... need a diagram?"

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