4. Come Along

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Author's Note: Take a look at my A/N at the end. Don't wanna spoil anything up here :)

4. Come Along

Scott packed his final bag, glancing around his room one last time to gauge if there was anything that he had missed.

The timing of this really couldn't have been much better, he thought with a pang of sadness in his gut. The planning process had begun only one week after his world had begun to spiral.

He was pretty sure that this tour was saving his life.

"Scott... please."

"Please, what?" Scott asked hopelessly, rubbing his red and stinging eyes.

"Look at me?"

Scott complied, trying desperately not to fall apart as Mark grabbed his hand.

"I'll always love you," Mark whispered. "I just... can't do this anymore."

He took his hand, and Scott nearly screamed as he felt the engagement ring being pressed into his palm.

Mark had taken Bubba later that night, and just like that, Scott was alone.

He had been so deeply convinced that he had found his family.

And the worst part? He couldn't even fault Mark for it. He couldn't hate him. Because he completely understood. Mark wasn't built for this life. He never asked for this life.

He had gone on a bit of a bender after that. For three days, to be exact.

He needed a distraction from the shambles that his personal life had become.

Then they got the call. It filled him with hope again.

And Scott thanked God for that. Now, he just had to make sure that he didn't ruin it by being the weirdest person to ever exist in the presence of one Harry Styles.

It was too bad that he had already made a horrible impression, one from which he didn't think he could ever recover.

So he would continue to be polite and professional, and he would try desperately not to let Harry know that Scott thought he was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.

He wondered if his desperation for the man was only exacerbated by his loneliness now that Mark was gone.

Somehow, he didn't think so.

Tour rehearsals had all gone well. It was impressive to see that, despite a hiatus of over 5 years, One Direction performed like a well-oiled machine. Scott always made sure to watch them closely, taking mental notes regarding how to make the stage presence of Pentatonix better.

One thing was very clear about both groups: They always had an incredible amount of fun on that stage. Perhaps that was what drew One Direction to choosing Pentatonix to tour with them in the first place.

Their own tour announcement was received better than they could have ever expected. Scott thought back on the day fondly.

"Are you ready to find out who we're touring with?" Louis asked the camera, excitedly.

"Some of you were very... creative, with your guesses," Liam chimed in. "As you know, we've been giving you some clues. Just to review, they were: They have the same amount of members as us, they've held a part in a big movie, they're Grammy winners, and they have sung some of our own personal favorite songs." He counted off each thought on his fingers.

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