Chapter 2 • Endless

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The next day has arrived. You woke up and got ready for school. You brushed your hair and got dressed in your school uniform.
After you were done getting ready, you got a text message. It was from Mirio. You grabbed your phone and read what he texted you.

Mirio: "Hey, y/n! Is it ok if you could possibly do me a quick favor, please?"

Y/n: "Oh, sure. What is it?"

Mirio: "When I tried to find Tamaki, he wasn't in his room. Could you please call him to make sure he's ok?"

Y/n: "I suppose, but why can't you call him?"

Mirio: "I'm walking over to Sir Nighteye's agency to make sure he's ok. After all he is my mentor."

Y/n: "Oh sorry, I didn't know you were working for Sir Nighteye. I'll go call Tamaki now."

Mirio: "Okay, Thanks!"

Tamaki's POV

I was sitting outside on a bench waiting for Nejire to arrive, then suddenly my phone started to vibrate. Then I realized it was y/n that was calling me.

"What could she be calling me for?.." I thought. "Probably to just check up on me.. it's probably nothing bad.." I picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Hey Tamaki, are you ok? Where are you?" y/n asked.

"U-um, yeah. I'm fine.. I'm just outside waiting for Nejire to arrive. D-do you need something?.." I asked.

"No, I don't need anything right now. Mirio just asked me to call you to check up on you since he's busy right now," she said. "Sorry for disturbing you, Tamaki."

"Oh, no, it's ok. You aren't disturbing me. Thanks for checking up on me, though." I said. "Anyways, I'll see you later after school, y/n."

"No problem. Can't wait to see you after school. Nice talking to you, Tamaki," she said and hung up.

After she hung up I felt like someone actually cared for me other than Nejire and Mirio.. I felt flustered yet pleased.

At Class (Y/N POV)

I walked into class with my two friends, Mina Ashido and Ochako Uraraka.

"Wow, I didn't realize we got early to class, I guess we just got lucky today!" said Ashido.

"Oh yeah, we're 15 minutes early. I also didn't realize that I woke up earlier than usual," said Uraraka.

We walked over to our seats and decided to talk as time passes by since we were really early.

"Sooo, y/n, how was your day yesterday when you were hanging out with The Big Three?" she asked in a curious way.

"Oh, well, I got their phone numbers and got to talk to one of them for a bit. It was pretty fun," I replied.

"Oh, cool! I didn't know you were hanging out with The Big Three!" Uraraka said. "So which one did you get to talk to?"

"It's this guy with Indigo hair and is really shy. His name is Tamaki Amajiki. I think his quirk is called Manifest," I replied.

"Ooo, cool. So do ya like 'em?" Ashido asked.

"Hm?" I said in a confused way.

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