Chapter 5 • Stress

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Tamaki's POV

I was lying down on my bed.. the things that Nejire predicted could've been true...

..and I think it was true.

After all, I've never really blush around a lot of people..

I didn't know what to do. I kept asking myself over and over again, 'what do people do when they're in love?"

My mind was so focused on what I should do. I don't think I've ever been in love until now.

My mind couldn't think straight. I decided to just go meet up with Mirio for help so that I don't get to stressed.

I texted Mirio and asked where he was. He replied saying that he was at the park alone.
I got changed into a good outfit and got to the park as fast as I could.

Mirio greeted me with a wave saying, "Hi, Tamaki!"
He was sitting at a picnic table eating his breakfast. He was eating a piece of toast.

When he noticed that I seemed stressed and needed help, he asked me what was wrong.

"Are you ok?" He asked. "Here, have half of my toast!" He assumed I didn't eat breakfast yet, which I didn't, and gave the bigger half of his toast. He tried to predict what was bothering me.

"Is there something bothering you?" he asked.

"Well.. I wouldn't really say 'bothering' me, mostly causing me stress," I replied. "Could you please help me..?"

"Yeah, for sure!" he said. "So what seems to be causing you stress?"

"Um.. you still remember y/n, right?" I asked him.

"Of course I remember her, she's my friend, and I'll never forget any of my friends!" he said. "What about her?"

"U-um.. please don't tell y/n but.. I-I think I've developed a crush on her," I stammered.

Mirio had a surprised look on his face that also looked very happy and excited at the same.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that!" he said in excitement. "How long have you had a crush on her?"

"Oh, well.. um- I'm not sure. I probably had a crush on her without realizing it.." I said.

"Well since you're in love y/n, I'll help ya!" Mirio said.

"What do you mean you'll help me..?" I asked.

"What I'm trying to say is.." Mirio said, "we'll help you get together with y/n!"

"What do you mean 'we'?" I didn't know what he meant.

"Me and Nejire! Both of us will help you!" he smiled.

I was kept silent for a few minutes since I didn't know what to say.

"Um.. I appreciate that you guys will help me, but are you sure that it would work..?" I asked.

"I'm sure! After all, she does care about you!" Mirio said happily. "Trust me."

When he said that, I felt a little more confident. I felt very happy that he thinks that I could possibly have a chance with y/n..

The next day...

I was resting on my bed like usual, then suddenly Mirio called me, and I answered the phone call.

"Hey, Tamaki! Nejire and I are at the park, we'll help ya get together with y/n!" Mirio said. "Come to the park so that we can help ya discuss more plans!"

"Oh, ok. I'll go get ready," I said. I hung up and got dressed into a casual turtleneck and jeans.

I got to the park and found Nejire and Mirio talking together sitting next to each other on a bench.

"Oh, perfect! You're here!" said Nejire. "Now, let's discuss what we'll be doing.."

"Are you guys really going to do this-? I asked. "You do know that you don't have to.."

"We know, but we're going to do it so that you can be happy with y/n!" Nejire said happily. "Plus, Mirio and I think you and y/n would be great together!"

Nejire didn't give me a chance to talk and went straight to discussing the plan.

"So, Mirio had the idea to set up a picnic date with you two in this park!" Nejire said with excitement.

I can tell that Nejire and Mirio was very excited for me since I never really told them that I've been in love with somebody.

"U-um.. I suppose that would be nice-" I replied in a stammering way.

"Great! I'll set up the picnic on the grass over here and Nejire will set up the food," said Mirio. "and the only thing you have to do is ask out y/n and—"

"W-wait wh-what? I-I have to ask her out? Myself?" I asked.

"Yep! Don't worry, it'll be easy!" Nejire said. "Just ask her out on a picnic date and she'll say yes!"

"B-but you guys do realize that I'm really anxious and nervous to ever do that.. r-right..?" I said.

"If you want I could text y/n and ask her if you don't want to," Nejire said.

"U-u-um.. o-ok..." I stammered.

"Great! Your picnic date with y/n will start on Saturday!" Mirio said.

End of Chapter 5

Word Count: 855

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