The Other Side

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"Lei.. what kind of trading.." "Cory... This is none of your business. Get back to training immediately." Cory didn't obey his orders, he went to the gate and walked across the bridge. He noticed the other side has prisoners. Looked like samurais that have fallen on our side. Along with the samurais was Kyouko. She gotten taken out of the prison and to train. It looked like they were training her to be a bow and arrow girl but on a horse. Cory felt so bad, he felt as if it was his fault she was there. He returned to the kingdom and went to the training grounds to notice that Shang has been all quiet. "Cat got your tongue?" "Ah Cory, I was waiting for-" Cory interrupted him "I can train myself Shang." Shang agreed with it and went to help other future samurais. Cory was training until he saw someone he'd never seen of the time he had been here. "Hey there, are you new here?" "Yes, I am. I'm Rena." "I'm Cory, and where did you come from?" "Oh yeah, I'm a transfer for the other side. I took place for some girl named Kyouko. Cory was speechless. "What the fu-"

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