One More Day

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It was one more day until all of the kingdoms samurais would be put to fight, including Cory. "I can't do this anymore. I have to go back for Kyouko." Cory grabbed armor, a sword, and bandages. This would be a risky journey for Cory. Cory had hope, a little glow in his heart lit up. He had to save her. Cory traveled towards the other side at night. "Ok great, I'm in the base. Now I need to get a disguise on." Cory changed into a ninja outfit. "HEY YOU!" Cory gasped and turned around quickly "Yes sir?" "Are you on night duty?" "Yes I am." Cory was begging for this to slip through. "Oh I thought I was on night duty, well have a good night.." "You too" Cory was relieved. He couldn't imagine what would happen if it didn't work out well. Cory found the prisoners cage. "Is Kyouko in here?"  "No, she's chained by the river." Cory's mind was too twisted to play games anymore. "KYOUKO?" "Cory? Is that you?" "What are you doing here Kyouko!" Kyouko didn't respond to his question. "Cory, get me out of these chains!" Cory grabbed his sword and sliced the chain so Kyouko would be free. "Thank you Cory." "Lets go Kyouko!" Just as Cory was running back towards the kingdom with Kyouko sirens went off. "DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" 

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