A Double Blessing For Lord Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk Territory

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Odin and Freya are indeed good to their loyal followers and Lord Henry Grey is one of the most faithful adherents.

Lord Henry Grey is a direct descendant of Sir John Grey and Elizabeth Woodville who married King Edward IV of England and he is half brother of Princess Elizabeth of York and half Uncle to King Henry VIII of England through his mother, Queen Elizabeth Woodville.

He is also a direct descendant of Lord Richard Neville the kingmaker through his mother's family.

Lord Henry and Lady Georgiana will receive a double blessing in 2279 both their daughters are expecting children, Lady Katherine is expecting in January of 2279 and Lady Mary is expecting in March of 2279.

Both Lady Katherine and Katherine walk into their father and mother's drawing room and Lord Henry sees the excitement in his two daughters' faces.

"Father, mother, we have something to tell you." Lady Katherine tells her father and mother.

"Which one of you is going to talk first?" Lord Henry asks.

Lady Katherine speaks up to her father and mother, " I am expecting our first child in January of 2279 and we are hoping it is a son." Lady Katherine states.

Lady Mary speaks up afterwards and Lord Henry looks at his younger daughter and says, "Don't tell me you are pregnant too Lady Mary?"

"I am a pregnant father. Lord Frederick William and I are so excited." Lady Mary explains.

"What did Lady Karissa say about those damn Howard's and The Beck's are related to them?" Lord Henry asks his wife.

"Lady Karissa has a saying Henry that they stick it, swish it about and they get their wives pregnant." Lady Georgiana states.

"I be damned if those Howard's and Grey's don't produce more children than any other aristocrat on Star Base 12." Lord Henry tells his wife.

Lady Georgiana looks at her husband and says, " They will give us two grandchildren. Grant it they are not Grey's and both are related to Lord Frederick William."

"Old Lord Patrick William Howard was no fool Lord Henry when he arrived here on Star Base 12 with your ancestors." Lady Georgiana states.

"He knew what he was doing when he married Lady Penelope Margaret Devereux and he set out to build an empire here on Star Base 12 as well as a dynasty." Lady Georgiana tells her husband.

"I know what my father told me many years ago that when Lord John Grey arrived here on the USS Republic with Lord Patrick William and Lady Penelope from their beloved England that they were heart-broken to leave it." Lord Henry states.

"Father told me that my great-great-great-grandfather and his wife just packed up what they could carry with them. They packed up their clothes and family heirlooms and with Lord Patrick William and Lady Penelope they boarded The USS Republic with the other aristocrats." Lord Henry explains.

"Well, when they arrived Lord John claimed the south territory of Star Base 12 and christened it Suffolk Territory whereas Lord Patrick claimed the North territory of Star Base 12 along with Lord George Carey claimed the West territory and christened it Bedford Territory and Lord Richard Devereux who was related to a relative of mine her name was Lady Mary Grey." Lord Henry tells his wife.

"Lord Richard Devereux claimed the East Territory of Star Base 12 and he christened it Essex after his beloved Essex in England." Lord Henry tells his wife.

"There were still unclaimed territories on Star Base 12 and there were small provinces and until Lord Andrew Charles claimed them for all his kin." Lord Henry tells his wife.

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