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"Phew so that was the last cake for today! Let's sit there for a while."

I said while pointing towards a bench in the park.

"Hey Seungmin why did you suddenly rush out of the bakery back then?", Hyunjin asked me after we sat on the bench.

"Did it look like I was in a rush??", I asked turning towards him.

"Yeah I mean it definitely looked like you were escaping the scene! Did something happen?", Hyunjin asked in a worried tone.

"What's with that tone of your asking?", I said with my eyebrows raised.

"I sound this way because your forehead seemed swollen so I thought maybe you fell therefore out of embarrassment you came out as fast as you could", said Hyunjin in a thoughtful manner.

"Well you're not completely right there but not completely wrong as well, you were right when you said I was escaping embarrassment but wrong at the part as why I was embarrassed", I said trying my best not remember the incident.

"Then why were you embarrassed?"

"Can we not talk about it, I don't want to recall"

"Is it related to Y/n?"

"Well", I looked at the ground and continued, "unfortunately yes"

Hyunjin was the only one who knew about my secret. My secret that I had a crush on Y/n.

"So what? If you don't want to tell then alright I'm not forcing you"

"Yeah better keep it that way, I don't want to feel embarrassed again in front of you"

"Alright if you say so~~"

There was a silence of two seconds but I knew where this conversation is about to go.

"Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with
You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so

I face palmed myself. "Hey Hyunjin stop singing", I knew it!

"O-okay sorry I was just trying to lighten up your mood! Shall we grab some ice cream now?"

"Cool then", I said before getting up to fetch ice creams.


"Where's Seungmin?", asked Aunt.

"He went out to deliver packets with Hyunjin", informed Lee Know.

"Eh? This boy never said he liked delivering packets?", said Changbin with a curious face.

"Perhaps he wanted to today", said Chan while lettering on the cake over the counter shelf.

"It's time you guys should return to your homes, come back tomorrow sweeties", instructed Aunt.

"Alright bye Aunt", one by one of us left the bakery.

After I came outside and waited for Jeongin since our places lie in the same direction so we go often together especially during night time.

"Oh Y/n sorry for keeping you waiting, I was helping Han hyung with the batter"

"No problem Jeongin, let's go!"

We were walking towards our way talking about miscellaneous things.

"So Jeongin I was thinking to resume my studies from this year, what do you say?"

"That's awesome!! Will you join my college then? My college also starts from this year!"

"Oh right I forgot about it. This year onwards Seungmin and you're gonna attend college! So which college is it?"

"I'm thinking for St. Louis where in Han, Felix and Hyunjin hyungs go and what I've heard is that Chan hyung has applied as transfer student in Law in the same college"

"Oh I see! What major are you preferring?"

"I'm thinking to take business management" , he answered.

"I've never been curious before but what majors are Han, Felix and Hyunjin in?"

"Han hyung is in astronomy, Felix hyung in medical major and Hyunjin hyung is in business."

"Ooo.. I was interested in law though", I said while remembering my school days when I used to dream about being a prosecutor after I met one of my friends' elder sister who was in that field of work. It was so inspiring to meet her, the aura was just different whenever I saw her, an aura of being classy and awesome.

"That sounds cool, it'll suit you!"

"Thanks baby bread!"

After a pause Jeongin paused in his tracks and exclaimed, "Heyyy did we just cross our homes?", he said while moving his head left to right.

"Oh no looks like we left our homes behind", I said not believing our level of spacing out in a conversation. 

We made a U-turn and his home came before mine.

"Y/n should I leave you to your apartment?"

"No need Jeongin you go inside, my apartment's just two minutes away"


"No stills. Now go inside, bye~"

We bid goodbyes and I started walking.

"Did your shift end late today?"

A voice came from behind while I was climbing the stairs.

"Uh unnie you were here? I was so much involved in talking with Jeongin that we crossed our houses"

"Haha you and your friends really are from the same breed! Did you eat dinner?", she asked.

"Yeah I had a bread toast in the bakery"

"Alright, if you feel hungry later you can come over", she said with a smile.

Then I thought to ask her about college.

"Unnie what major are you in?"

"Oh business! Why ask?"

"I was planning to attend from this year"

"That means you need to sit for the admission test right?"

"Yeah Jeongin told me it'll be in 2 months"

"What college are you looking forward to?", she asked while leaning against the door on one side.

"St. Louis, he said that my other friends who help in the bakery are also in that college"

"Oh I see, I've already graduated from another university, by the way if you will appear for the admission test then I can lend you the books", she suggested.

"That'll be perfect! Please do so", I became overjoyed at her generosity.

"Okay then come inside it might take a while to search for the books"

I nodded and followed her inside her room. She told me to wait in the living room. This was not the first time when I've come over to her place. We often watched web series together, especially horror ones.

After a while she came with a bundle of books in her hand.

"Here, these were lying in a corner of the storeroom, I thought of recycling these but it always slipped my mind whenever I got the chance to", she continued, "but I guess they were lying for a better cause", she said with a smile.

"I guess so", I chuckled.

She handed over the bundle to me, I thanked her and went upstairs to my place.

I opened my shoes and went inside. 

I washed up and came to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and lied down with my legs hanging down the edge. I stared at the ceiling blankly. 

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