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"Judging by your face it looks like you wouldn't want to meet her anymore!" , Jake commented.

"Well yeah I guess, I can't actually stand this sort of crap!" , I said while recalling her interaction with Seungmin.

"See? But you know what, there were many others who were head over heels for him, since he didn't give a damn, all of 'em became tired except her, she was surprisingly consistent even if Seungmin was straightforward with his rejection." Jake said munching on his waffles.

"Now I doubt if it's some sort of obsession" I said while connecting the dots.

"You might say so, it's creepy sometimes the way she behaves and I really hate it." Seungmin said while shaking his head.

"Do you really hate clingy people?", Jake asked him.

"Well of course!" answered Seungmin.

"Will you hate me too if I become clingy?" , I teased Seungmin.

He became a bit shocked at my statement. "E-eh? W-what do you mean?"

"Hey why are you getting flustered? Of course I'm not that kind of a person" , I laughed at his flustered state, just like a cute puppy.

"Uh- I didn't become flustered, it's just I didn't see that question coming so .. but just so you know, no matter what you do I won't hate you" , he said that and immediately turned to other side fixing the zip of his bag.

I lightly chuckled and pat on his back, "I'm glad you think so nicely of me Seungmin"

"Indeed! What about me? Will you hate it if I become clingy", Jake jokingly asked.

"Of course! You'll receive a punch on top of it!" Seungmin formed a fist as a warning and laughed.

After college ended, three of us walked together towards the gate, Jake bid us goodbye and went to his car.

Me and Seungmin walked towards our jeep and saw Jeongin already standing near it.

"Hi guys how was your first day?", Jeongin asked us like the baby bread he was.

"So-so", answered Seungmin.

"Yeah it was fine! Yours?", I asked.

"Mine was fine too, made some new friends", he said with joy dripping off his eyes. I smiled.

"Now we just need for others to arrive!" We agreed with a 'hmm' at Seungmin's words.

Just then I noticed Han approaching with Felix few yards behind him. Hyunjin was coming out with Chan oppa, maybe they met on the way out.

"Guys what are we waiting for let's go~~", said Han excitedly.

I don't really know why he looked so excited.

"Ah I'm so tired I just wanna go home, Chan hyung hurry up", Felix raised his volume when calling out oppa.

Chan oppa came with keys in his hand, "Oh all of you are here, let's go! By the way Han why you look exceptionally excited?" , he asked while unlocking the door.

"It's because I can't wait to tell you guys my jokes" , at his words all of us just gave a look of 'hell naw'!

"Guys?" Han started sulking and it was adorably cute to see this. 

"Whatchu guys waiting for? Hop in!" Chan oppa gestured and we hopped onto the jeep.

While on our way everyone had a casual talk, Hyunjin fell asleep. 

"Guys we should come like this everyday, isn't this so lively?", asked Han.

"No way I can't", I objected.

"Why though?", Han was curious.

"First, I don't really want to bother oppa to pick me up everyday, I mean it's not me alone but imagine escorting everyone everyday, it'll be so tiresome for him taking us back and forth home and college, second is due to your fangirls, I just witnessed your crazy popularity today! There's no way I'm gonna get caught in a crowd first thing in the morning!" I said recalling the mad crowd from the morning. 

"Now that I look at it, I completely agree with y/n!", Seungmin supported.

"Yeah, moreover we are meeting in the bakery everyday, also we can meet in college too if needed!", Felix added.

It won't bother me though.

I frowned. I heard some strange words again and I'm 100% sure this thought of mine is irrelevant for me to think at this moment. What won't bother me? What was that?

"What is it y/n, is something wrong?" asked Felix.

"D-did you guys hear something strange in your mind or something?" , I asked even though I knew I sound stupid in front of them but all I needed was a confirmation.

"No nothing y/n! Are you tired?", asked Seungmin.

"Well.. a bit" , I said and leaned a bit backwards.

"But why? Did you hear something", I looked forward at Jeongin.

"Yeah, I felt like someone said 'it won't bother me'.. something like this" I said while air quoting the main words.

Suddenly after I said that Chan oppa screamed, "WHATT???"

He was shocked? "Oppa did you hear too?", I asked him because of his reaction.

"Uh- uh I- I don't know what's going on" , he said while I could sense he was caught in surprise.

I am kind of getting a feeling that oppa might know something that I'm missing out, I must talk to him sometime.

I leaned back again trying to relax a bit for a while.

"Oh we are here, Felix see ya at night then" , Felix got out of the jeep and we waved him goodbye.

One by one all of us went to got down at our places.

I entered my room and flopped my bag on the bed.

Okay right now all I need is to wash up, have some lunch and rest, after that I'll go to bakery around 7 pm. Also I need to discuss the issue of hearing stuff with oppa. 

I'll do that today!

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