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It's D-day!

And I've been chanting God's name countless times, my contribution towards the part of 'hard work' has been successfully fulfilled, right now I needed the 'luck' to be on my side.

I've been trying to stay calm, yes I've been trying the best. I got ready and started walking downstairs. Navier unnie told me to not to forget to have the breakfast at her place for I need a full stomach for concentration. 

I stepped out of my apartment. Seungmin, Jeongin and I have planned this beforehand to go to the exam center together in Jeongin's car to avoid any unwanted delay.

While I was waiting for it arrive, a car stopped in front which slid the window down revealing Jeongin.

"Y/n hop in!", he said.

I smiled and went to the back seat. The car engine started.

I saw Jeongin who was sitting besides the driver, he was constantly fidgeting his hands, probably out of nervousness. I reached his shoulder and pat it.

"Breath in and out deeply baby bread, don't be nervous!", I told him.

He looked towards me with a tensed face and gave a nod. 

He did what I said and saw him gradually calm down. "That was effective y/n!", he said with a smile exposing his teeth with a thumbs up.

"I know right! Lee Know oppa has taught me this method to stay calm in situations like these", I said with a sense of accomplishment.

Jeongin glanced outside and said, "Oh there he is! Seungmin in glasses, uncle!", he told his driver uncle.

Seungmin's home was just two minutes away in the opposite direction from his aunt's bakery. 

I looked forward and saw Seungmin who I don't know what on Earth he was reading at this moment. I felt the car stopping.

"Hey come inside!", said Jeongin after rolling the window down and gesturing him to sit in the back seat.

 Seungmin opened the door and stepped inside.

"Oh good morning y/n and Jeongin!", he greeted cheerfully. He doesn't look like someone who's going to appear for an exam at all.

I greeted back and asked, "What are you reading?"

"Oh this? It's just a book my mom once lend me to learn cooking recipes."

As soon as he said that, I made the most confusing face to exist on Earth.

"Y/n! Y/n! Rewind your face back to normal you look horrible", said Jeongin while being dramatically scared.

"Don't make that face y/n haha, I'm reading this to relax my mind", Seungmin explained.

"Oh I see so that's the case, smart hun!", I said praising his smartness.

We talked further on our way, he shared the recipes he learnt when he waiting was for us to arrive in front of his house.

We arrived at the exam center and I saw many, many, many students gathered outside the gate. Some were helplessly looking at their books, some where taking advices from their elders. I witnessed a very diverse scenario, starting from the very nervous to the confident students, everyone were scattered around.

We got out off the car and went to the waiting area outside together.

After waiting for a while all of us were called inside the premises. I just told myself, "Y/n stay confident!"

We entered the hall and looked out for the notice board to check the seating arrangement. All the three of us got our seats assigned in three different rooms so we did a hug group hug quickly and went to our respective exam rooms.

The examiner came with the question papers and OMR sheets in his hands.

Another examiner came inside carrying another bundle of sheets. He instructed to keep only the stationery with us and rest outside the room. We followed his words and the exam began shortly.



Phew that went pretty nicely. After submitting the OMR I rushed with my things outside. 

I received a pat on my back. "Hey y/n how was it?", I turned around and saw Seungmin smiling.

"Pretty decent, I hope I can make it! What about you? Yours must have gone smoothly nah?", I asked while packing my bag.

"Yeah I found the paper easy, let's head to Jeongin", he suggested. I nodded and we went upstairs towards his assigned room.

"Hey baby bread how was it?", I asked him.

He made a 🤙 with his hand and gave out a cheeky smile, "It went better than I expected!"

I was happy that the three of us were satisfied with our performance.

We went downstairs together discussing how ours went with Jeongin. We got inside the car which was waiting in the parking lot and started discussing the paper on our way.

"Should we go to the bakery guys, the thing is I'm really hungry and I can't wait to meet everyone again!!", said Jeongin excitedly.

"Sure let's do so!", I agreed with his suggestion.

"Then uncle you can drop us at the bakery and you shall go home", he told his driver uncle and the elder gave out a nod saying "Alright as you wish kids!"

We reached the bakery and head inside.

"AUNT!!", Seungmin screamed at the top his lungs. I saw aunt coming out in rush with Changbin oppa behind.

"Oh my! How did the exam went my sweeties?", she stepped forward and hugged us in group.

"Awesome!" "Better than I thought" "I think I can easily get the college without fail", said Seungmin, jeongin and I one by one!

I saw her face brighten even more.

"Hey guys then let's have pizza party with all of us tonight, the treat is from my side!", said Changbin oppa proudly.

We became even more delighted.

After having the cakes and delicacies, I was craving for something spicy which of course meant I was craving for Navier unnie's dishes! I thought of it and chuckled.

"My little birds you should go to home and rest, you shall come back at night for the party~~", said aunt with a joyful tint in her voice.

"Alright bye aunty", we smiled and started heading backwards. 

I bid Jeongin also farewell who accompanied the walk towards our homes after I reached my place.

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