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"Jane, get up!"
I heard my mom panic.
"What?" I questioned.
"You are late!"
"Oh shit."
I ran upstairs and grabbed a set of clothes, and quickly changed. I was now wearing a purple sweatshirt and black leggings. I grabbed my purple winter jacket, and we were off.
My mom hit the steering wheel. We had driven into traffic, and we were now stuck. After a while, we finally made it into the school.
"Go in; I'll go find a parking spot." My mom explained.
I headed out of the car and into the school. A security guard stopped me.
"Mrs?" He asked.
"Hi!" I responded.
"Um, Jane parker."
"Where is your parental guardian?"
"Finding a parking spot."
"Okay, Mrs. sit over there."
He pointed at some nearby chairs.
"I'm here!"
My mom ran in.
"Name, Mrs.," The security guard questioned.
"Eliza parker."
"The office is the second door on the right." He continued. "Have a nice day, ladies."
We both headed to the door. I began to flip him off subtly.
"Jane!" My mom scolded me.
She slapped my hand.
"What! He's an asshole!" I responded.
My mom and I finally made it to the small office. My mom checked us in as I went and sat down. After a while, a man came out of a side door of an obscured hallway. I got up and turned to see my mom looking like she saw a ghost. Then the guy stopped, and his face dropped.
"Hi!" I said.
"H-Hi!" He responded.
He did not take his eyes off my mom.
"Damien?" The lady behind the desk asked. "Are you okay?"
"Ya!" He snapped out of it. "Welcome to Scottsdale High; I'm Mr.Walker."
He shook my hand, then my mom's. We then followed him down the hallway. My mom was falling behind. We walked into his office. Travis was sitting at the table.
"Hi!" I said.
"Oh, you know Travis Daniel's already?" Mr. Walker asked.
"Well, you made my job easier,"
He handed me a piece of paper.
"Goodbye." He said.
"Goodbye, mom!" I responded.
"Have a great first day, sweetie!"
We were shoved out of the room.
"Hey, let's go!" Travis gestured me out.
I gestured to him to listen to the door. He hesitantly complied.
"Does she know?" I heard Mr. Walker's question.
"No, Damien, all she knows is the fact Tristan is working for the government." My mom responded.
"Where is he?...Oh."
"Ya, I'm trying to keep some normalcy here."
"She deserves to know who her birth; dad is, Alexis!"
"Not yet."
"WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING?" the office lady screamed.
Travis and I ran out to the main hallway.
"Holy shit!" I cried.
Travis grabbed my shoulder and turned me around and turned me around, and then took my hands.
"Look, there must be a logical explanation."
I took a deep breath.
"I'll help you figure this out," Travis said, calming me down.
"This is the most interesting thing to happen in a while."
I hugged him.
"Thank you."
"One more thing." He continued. "Don't mention this to anyone. Not even your mom."
I sighed.
"Okay, so what now?"
"We do research."
"What about class?"
"I'll just check us in online."
We both started to head to the library. I was suddenly stopped by a text message. I fished my phone out of my back pocket.
"We need to talk."
My mom's message came across my home screen. I put my phone back into my pocket and caught up to Travis.
"So, where do we start?" I asked.
"We need to search for your family's name," Travis responded.
"You don't know everything about me."
"What do you mean?"
  "I need to explain some things...Can you come to my house tonight?"
"Wow! You've known me for two days, and I've been invited to your house twice."
I playfully punched his arm.
"Shut up!"
We finally made it to the computers in the library. Travis grabbed my keyboard and began to type a login that was on my schedule.
"Um, okay?" I asked.
"Oh ya,"
He pointed at a series of numbers on the schedule.
"This is your login for everything." He explained.
We both looked into each other's faces. Soon we inched closer, and we almost kissed. I quickly moved away.
"What makes you think we will find anything?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"Yee of little faith." He answered.
He proceeds to log into the computer next to mine.
"What's your mom's name?" He asked.
"Eliza Parker," I responded.
He typed it in.
"That's impossible."
"What's her maiden name?"
He typed it in.
"What the hell?"
"Think of other family names."
This guessing game went on for an hour until there was one name left.
"Mclellan." I guessed.
"Hit," he answered.
"Wait, what?"
"Ya, here's a birth certificate."
He turned the screen toward me. My face went pale.
"What?" He asked.
"That's my birth last name," I responded.
"One more thing, The first name is Alexis."
It made sense why Mr. Walker called my mom Alexis.
"What's your birth name?" He asked.
"Don't you want to find out who your birth dad is?"
"Okay, fine...Grace Jay Mclellan."
"Beautiful." He said.
He typed it in.
"Okay, here is a birth certificate. Does Wren ring a bell?"
"Um, no."
"Okay, what about Amy or Roger?"
"They are my birth parents...wait, that's my blood type."
"So grace isn't your birth name?"
"I-I guess not."
He grabbed my hand, and I was weirdly comforted.
"Fuck!" I screamed to myself." I can't be catching for him. I barely know him."
The information I learned loomed in my head until the end of the day. My mom came and got me. We had a silent car ride home. I wanted to say something, but I knew I couldn't. Once we got home, the questioning began.
"How was your first day?" My mom asked.
"Good," I responded.
"Anything interesting happens?"
"Jane, what did you hear today?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb."
"I'm not; Travis and I stole mints, and the lady at the desk freaked out."
I grabbed a can of Pepsi and headed upstairs.
"Well, I've got homework to do. So I'll be in my room." I explained.
"Okay." My mom answered.
I got into my room and pulled out my phone and computer, and sat on my bed.
"We were stealing mints." I texted Travis.
I started making documents as Travis answered.
"What?" Travis answered.
"That's the lie I told my mom. Lol."
I continued to type in questions into a document.
"Q: Who am I? Q: Am I wren? Q: Who are my parents?"
I typed into the document. Then my phone went of scarring me. I slowly checked my phone.
"I'm here!" Travis texted me.
I ran downstairs before my mom could get to the door.
"Who's here?" She asked.
"Travis," I responded.
"Shut up."
I opened the door.
"Hi!" I said.
"Sup!" He answered.
"Want to go to my room?"
We both headed up to my room. He closed the door behind us.
"Okay, I know you have questions, so just ask," I explained.
"Okay...Why the name change?" He asked.
"I'm running."
"From who?"
"My abusive foster parents."
"Oh god no, my foster parents."
"When were you adopted?"
"Well, Eliza and Tristan were my foster parents for a month before they adopted me." I continued. "That was a month ago."
"Finally, what happened between us?"
"What do you mean?"
"Grace, don't act dumb."
"We...almost kissed."
"Thoughts on that?"
"I-I don't know."
He got up from the ground and opening the door.
"Bullshit, you clearly aren't saying something." He said.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm going home."
"You're not honest with me."
I jumped on his back. We both fell over; Travis fell face-first into the ground. We both began laughing hysterically. Travis turned around to be face to face with me.
"I like you," I told him.
He caressed my face.
"I like you too." He responded.
Our faces once again came closer together. I kissed him, we both blushed.
"So you're a bottom?" I laughed.
"Um, no!"
He proceeds to flip me over. He grabbed my hands and put them on my carpet. He kissed me. We both smiled at each other while we were blushing. My mom burst through the door, covering her face.
"Do you guys have clothes on?" She asked.
"Yes, mom," I answered.
Travis got off of me. I sat up and leaned against my bed.
"Travis, your mom's here." My mom explained.
She then left.
"So what now?" I asked.
He put his hand over my waist after we got up from the ground.
"Well, we would date-" He explained.
"I just can't date your right now."
"Why not?"
"I have to fix up some loose ends."
He caressed my face.
"I wish it was different."
He kissed me then left.

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