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I woke up feeling eyes on me. I slowly looked up to see a little girl looking at me.
"Hi?" I questioned.
"Who are you?" She asked.
I stopped and began to panic.
"My name is Rebecca; what is yours?"
"My name is Krista!"
"Cool, hi, what are you doing in my room?"
"Mommy said there were new people, and I was curious."
"How old are you?"
I heard someone yell from the hallway.
"I'm six."
"I think your mommy wants you."
A girl with blonde hair that matched the little girl walked into my room.
"Hi, I'm sorry about her." She said.
"It's okay," I responded.
She picked Krista up.
"Well, welcome to soma. I'm Emilee, and I will talk to you later."
"Wait, can you send wren in here?"
"Ya sure."
"Bye," Krista said.
She waved at me.
"Bye, nice to meet you," I responded.
They both left, and then Wren and Travis came into the room.
"Hi," I said.
"Morning, so..." Wren said. "You met Emilee and Krista?"
"Emilee is my wife."
Travis came into the room and grabbed my arms.
"Okay, One...two...Three!"
Travis helped me up. Once my butt hit the chair. I had a realization.
"Wait, What?"
"So Krista is my cousin?"
"Yes, you dork. We need to catch each other on our lives."
"After breakfast?"
Travis pushed me into the kitchen. There were a lot of people eating breakfast. Once we ultimately got into the kitchen. The group grew silent and looked at us.
"Hello, Everyone," Wren announced. "This is..." She turned to me. "What's your name again?"
"Rebecca!" I responded.
"Jack," Travis replied.
We both looked at each other.
"Babe, you're dramatic," Emilee explained.
"Yeah," I answered.
Travis wheeled me to the table, and we ate breakfast.
"So, where are you from?" A kid from across the table questioned.
"Eli, don't!" Wren snapped.
"It's okay, Wren!" I responded." Kardia."
Everyone around the table pipped up.
"It's okay," Emilee responded. "At least you guys are safe now."
"Yeah, sure."
Travis responded under his breath. I elbowed his side.
"So, what are we doing today?" I asked the group.
"Well, you need a tour, and you have a doctor's appointment," Emilee responded.
Soon breakfast was over, and Travis and I headed to our room.
"What was that?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Travis responded.
"Do you want to get kicked out?"
"Ya, shape up, you cute bitch!"
"Wait...are you mad at me."
"Yes...not really!"
"You're a dork."
"I know."
He kissed my forehead.
"So, what's our plan?"
"Stay here until we are old enough to leave."
"What do you mean?"
"We need to save for the next leg of our adventures."
I kissed him and then headed into the closet and began to change.
"I love you!" He said from the other room.
I stopped in my tracks.
"I-I love you too.".I responded.
I wheeled myself out in black leggings and a tank top. I grabbed his sweatshirt from the top of the dresser; The sweatshirt was tie-dye. Besides the sweatshirt, These were the only clothes I had left. I was borrowing pajamas from Wren. Then, there was a knock at the door.

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