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Travis then came and sat next to me. Wren and Emilee sat adjacent to us.
"So, who wants to go first?" Travis asked.
"I will," I answered. "What is happening to me?"
"Please elaborate?" Wren questioned.
I explained every supernatural thing that happened to me. IT felt like the breath was taken from everyone in the group. This was disrupted by the kids coming back with wood for the fire. Emilee directed them to the dinner that was set out. She sat back down.
"So?" I questioned.
"Your grandfather and Grandmother are monsters." Wren began to explain.
"Well, I know that."
"I'm not your only aunt."
"Holy shit!"
Travis grabbed my shoulder and covered my mouth, and kissed my cheek.
"Continue." He said.
"When your mom and I were kids, that's when society collapsed. Your grandfather wanted me and my seven other siblings to be ready. So he began to train us for the worst. Your mom was the weakest. This made our father find alternative ways to make her stronger. He found a doctor who invented body enhancers. Eliza was forced into this dangerous experiment." She continued. "After your grandfather saw this worked, he forced everyone else to get the surgery." She began to stare off. "Now that I think about it, your mom is still alive."
"How?" Travis asked.
He was shocked about the whole story.
"Everyone with enhancers is immortal."
"What!" I screamed into Travis's hand.
I pushed Travis's handoff.
"How can I have enhancements?"
"Well, you know you are a bastard." She explained.
"Yes!Also...Thanks, by the way." I responded.
"Well, I think it's part genetics and a surgery when you were younger."
"What is your enhancement?"
"I can read your mind."
"Prove it!"
"Okay, think of a phrase."
I thought of my dad and mom and if I would ever see them again.
"I honestly don't know if he's alive." She answered.
I fell off of the log. The group began to laugh.
"Okay, What is my mom's enhancement?" I asked.
"That's how did you transport everyone here?" Travis asked.
"That's true."
Silence fell over everyone as people fell deep into thought.
"Can we figure this out tomorrow?" I whined.
"Sure, but why?" Wren asked.
"Transporting twenty people kinda takes a lot out of you," I explained.
"English?" Travis asked.
He began to yawn.
"I...WANT... TOO... GO... TOO...BED."
"Oh, same."
I facepalmed. I then got up and headed into a section of sand. I then made a bed for two people.
"Hey, babe?" Travis asked.
"Yeah?" I responded.
"You know we have a bed, like an actual bed."
I headed over to him and then headed to bed.

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