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I suddenly was in the back of Travis's car. I immediately went out of view of the mirror.
"What the hell?" I asked myself.
My nose began to bleed. I fished my phone out of my back pocket.
"Hey, this is going to sound weird, but can you please park your car." I texted him.
"Um, okay?" He said out loud.
I felt the car turn and park. I unlocked the trunk and got out, and ran past him into the fast-food restaurant. I cleaned up my bloody nose. Once I was done, Travis met me. This spooked me.
"Hi." I waved at him.
"Get in my car, grace." He demanded.
We made it back into his car.
"What the hell? How did you get into the back of my car?" He asked.
I caught him up to speed with the events that happened after she left. He grabbed my hand, and I put my head on his shoulder.
"So what now?" I asked.
"I have an uncle in a place called Australia." He responded. "If you want, you can come with me."
"Okay, I will go."
He kissed my forehead. We drove until the sunset. I fell asleep with my head pressing against the window.
"Babe, we are here," Travis said.
He kissed my cheek to wake me up. Then, we both got out of the car and headed inside. We then were immediately surrounded by cops.
"Fuck!" Travis blurted out.
We were backed into a corner. I grabbed his hand. We were suddenly in front of the police station.
"Not again," I said, panicked.
Before we could think of what to do, we were forced into handcuffs. We were separated into different roads. My room was white with a mirror and a window. I was handcuffed to the table in front of me.
"Just kill me already~" I whined.
I began to bang my hand against the table in front of me.
"Stop it." A voice rang out.
The figure that walked through the door.
"No!" I snapped back.
The person walked out for a second. The next thing I knew, a pillow was placed under my face. I then screamed into the pillow.
"You're being childish, grace."
I slowly looked up.
"How do you know my name?"
I saw Tristan's face.
"How are you alive?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Mom- My mom said you were dead!"
"Well, clearly, I'm not."
"No shit, sherlock." I continued. "Why am I here?"
"How much do you know?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play coy, Grace."
"I'm not!"
"Bullshit!" He continued. "I'm talking about the daughter of the president."
"What about her?"
"Do you know about your true heritage?"
"That's what I feared."
"Protocol says you need to be euthanized for knowing state secrets."
"There is option number two."
"Which is?"
"It's not going to be easy."
He got up and shot a hidden camera, then the mirror.
"We need to fake your death as well as Travis's," Tristan explained.
"How?" I questioned.
"It's not going to be fun."
"I will do anything."
We started making a plan to fake my death. He was the head of the police department. We were going to get shot and beaten up and left in soma. Little did anyone expect Tristan, and I know he would inject us with medicine that would keep us alive. It was now time to put our plan to our action.

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