Opening it up(19)

542 28 33

TW//swearing//verbal abuse//

Tommy's pov

I open it up and see a black flip phone. There is also a bunch of lollipops and a pair of diamond earrings

How'd she know?

I look back at the lollipops and think back to the day she left

I start crying and Karl gave me a 'side hug'

"It's ok I'm here"

I cry for a little bit and then hear my phone ring

I grab and look at the contact


"You have got to be kidding me" i say wiping my tears

"Should I get Sapnap?"

"I don't want to bother him"

"Tommy it's ok I'm sure he'd be happy to yell at him again"

"Ok fine"

"I'm gonna yell for Sapnap ok?"


I cover my ears 


I flinch a bit but I know it's not my father and I calm down

I uncover my ears and Sapnap and Wil rush in

"Everything ok?" Sapnap asks

"Tommy's dad's calling"


"Yeah can you answer it?" I ask

"Yeah of course"

"Wait he called before?"

"Yeah now answer it" Karl says

He presses the green call button and puts it on speaker

"Hello?" Sapnap says

"Where the fuck is Tommy?"

"She's right beside me why?"

"Give him the phone"

"Yeah I don't think so"

"Do it. Now."

I shiver at the tone he's using. 

"No I'm good, she has nothing to say to you"

"Well I have shit to say to him so give him the fucking phone"

He looks at me and I nod

He gives me the phone. I take it and put the speaker off causing everyone to look at me

I shake my head 

"Hey dad"

"Finally, can anyone else hear me?"


"Where the fuck are you?"

"I'm staying with a friend"

"Why the fuck are you not home?"

"Because the same friend that I'm staying with has adopted me"

"Bullshit, I own you"

"No you don't, I'm 17 years old and I'm not your personal punching bag"

"Nice!" Sapnap whisper-yelled causing me to smile

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