Hanging Out

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They sat at their dinning room table. Quietly eating. The only thing hear was the TV in the background and the occasional clanking of silverware.

Karl and George sat next to each other, their parents across from them. Their mom had a short brown bob, hazel eyes, and a really nice smile. Their dad. He had short brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, small stubble on his chin, a nice mustache.

Karl looked like a combination of both of them. George... Lots of people like to tell him he looks nothing like his parents. Nah dip. He's adopted. It's obvious he's not their biological kid. His paler skin tone, smaller frame. Nothing like them.

Their dad cleared his throat, wanting the boys' attention. "So, you boys doing anything this weekend or are you guys just gonna sit around and eat like pigs all day, like always."

"Frank," Their mom spoke up. "Stop that. They are still growing. And stop comparing them to animals it's not ok."

"Ok. Sorry." He gave a half hearted apology.

"Um. Actually, can Alex come over?" Karl asked shyly.

"Oh. Of course, honey." His mom was picking up the dishes. "Just make sure his parents are ok with it."

"Ok. Mom." He nodded happily. His dad rolled his eyes.

"Careful there, father, they might just get stuck like that." George snickered. Frank let out a low chuckle. "You're silly, son. Now shut up and help your mother clean." He left the table. His heavy footsteps were heard trudging off to the living room. A soft thud was heard, signifying he has sat down on his recliner seat.

"I can handle it. You boys can go." Their mom said. "Are you sure?" George asked.

"Yes, now go. I hate it when people intrude my space while cleaning." They nodded and walked to their rooms.

George decided to play some music and lay in bed. Somber music played softly through the speakers of his phone. He didn't know why, but this music reminded him of the first day of freshman year.

He walked the halls alongside Karl. George was in awe. The hallways were much bigger than the middle school. There was much more people. Nobody really seemed to care about what other people did or looked like. Unlike middle school were you could've been made fun of for eating a a simple salad, for wearing mismatched socks, reading a book, not reading a book, for literally anything. His first day was a really good experience.

On the other side of the wall was Karl.

He was tidying up his room before Alex came over. He sat on his bed and scrolled through various apps. The wall being paper thin he could hear what George was listening to.

Again with the sad music, George. Get a life. Or just hang out with me like we used to. Karl though to himself.

He felt a sense of regret. Ever since he outed himself to George they were never the same. A little more distant than the day before.

George Pov

Alex came knocking at out front door. I heard Karl and him exclaim while greeting each other. He's always been a good friend to us. Although he was closer to Karl than with me, I have to admit, I am a bit jealous of that. I wish I could just man up and hang out with Karl the way we used to.

I'm gonna do it. It's never to late to try. Right? He's my brother. I'd do anything to able to be go back and do something different.

I heard Alex and Karl through the wall, and someone else's voice. I paused my music to try and hear them better.

Housemates // DNF KARLNAP    Where stories live. Discover now