Case Of The Mondays

419 15 17

Third Person Pov

TW: Talk of Sexual Abuse

Monday. The day most students dread. The start of the school week. The sleep take in during the weekend wasn't enough. Their mom knocked on their doors and told them to get up and that breakfast is served.

George got up and walked to his closet. He had very little color choice. Black being the most dominant color in his closet, along with gray, white and blue.

He grabbed a clean gray shirt and some black sweats. He walked out of his room just as Karl walk out of his own room.

"Morning Karl." George greeted him and walked to the table. Their mom had made a small stack of pancakes.

They ate the pancakes rather quickly.

They brushed their teeth and started to head out.

George was the one driving today. He wasn't the best driver, but he was a good enough driver.

Pulling into the parking lot they saw the schools marching band rehearsing for the graduation ceremony.

George parked the van and got out. Karl got out and ran to Quackity.

Tubbo walked up to on my way to the main entrance. "Hey, George."

"Oh, hey Tubbo. What's up?"

"Oh. Ranboo wanted me to inform you that he is coming back to visit to watch yours and Karl's graduation, because he already graduated. And has a these next few weeks off." Tubbo seemed happy about that. More than George.

"Oh. Ok. That's cool. Where is he gonna stay?" George pulled his phone out of his pocket. "He's going to stay at my house." Tubbo said proudly.

"Ok. That's awesome, actually. I can't wait to see him." George opened the glass doors.

"See you later, Tubbo." George waved and walked to his locker for his books.

Karl and Quackity walked over to him. "Good morning George." Quackity leaned on the lockers. "Why are you in such a cheery mood, on a Monday?"

"Can I not be happy on a Monday, George?" Quackity questioned. "Are you in your Depression Arc? Ooh he's on his Depressed Arc, Karl. He's depressed. Let's cheer him up."

Karl giggled. "His Depression Arc never ends, didn't you hear Quackity? There's no point in saving him, he won't let himself be saved. He's a lost cause."

"What the fuck, Karl." Alex looked shook.

"That went from zero to a hundred real fast." George laughed a bit. "How am I a lost cause. I am totally worth saving."

The bell rang for the start passing period. "Ok, bye guys. I need to hurry and get to the robotics room and finish coding my senior project." George slung his backpack on his shoulder and started off to the mathematics wing.

The halls were filled with students already sensing the freedom that comes with the end of the year.  Some seniors already exhausted and ready to become a 'functioning adult' with a job, a house, some kids perhaps. Maybe they decide to go to college and have to pay student debt well into their thirties. George hated the way the minute you get out of highschool you are forced to figure out everything in your life.

The least this place could teach these people is hot to be able to pay taxes, or how to buy a house, get a job, literally anything a member of society has to do.

George entered the robotics room and sat at one of the computers in the back. He signed in and started getting to work. He coded the robot to do simple commands like wave, say hello, it was also voice activated. He could say 'Do a pushup.'

Housemates // DNF KARLNAP    Where stories live. Discover now