Drink Up

425 16 1

Third Person Pov

The trio was in the van going back to the Jacobs house. The sun was barely setting. Giving the sky a pink hue. The music wasn't being blasted this time around. They sat in the van in comfortable silence.

"Hey, Karl, can you go ahead and drop me off at home please." Alex said leaning closer to the front seats. "Aw man. So you can't spend the night?" Karl gave him a sad look.

"No. Sorry. My dad is getting mad at me that all I do is go to other people's houses and he says that I don't even live in my own home anymore. And then when I do stay home he goes you never go out and do anything, all you ever do is sit and play video games. Like the fuck dad. I'm so glad highschool is almost over. Me and my cousin are going to rent an apartment together." He was rambling on and on.

"Hey Quackity, I have a question." George turned around in the passenger seat. "Shoot."

"Um. How did you feel when me and Karl first came out?" George's question was a question looking for a genuine answer.

"Well ok. First of all. I was actually surprised when you came into Karl's room and just announced it. Because you don't look like you would be gay. Like some of your mannerisms make it seem like 'Oh. Maybe he's not gay.' So I was like 'Wow. I wouldn't have guessed.' But with Karl. It was like a known thing. I don't know. Like it was like we already knew before he knew himself? If I'm making any sense." Quackity explained.

"No. I get you. Karl, you know what this means?" George looked over at Karl who was concentrating on driving. "What does this mean?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road.

"This means you're a raging homosexual." George confidentially said.

The minivan slowly came to stop in front of Alex's house.

"Thank you, Karl." Quackity hoped out of the van. Karl and George watched as he walked up his driveway and to his front porch. They waited until they saw that he safely made it inside. Only then they drive away.

"So. George." Karl spoke up. The sun has now completely set and the moon has taken over. George hummed in response. "Got a crush on anyone? Hmm?" Karl smirked.

"No. Dude. Have you seen the boys at our school. I'm sure you have because you go there. Most of them look crusty as fuck." George replied with so much sass.

"You said most of them. So you do agree that a few of them look decent." Karl giggled.

George rolled his eyes. "Ok. No. The ones that did look fine as fuck, graduated. Last year's seniors. Hoo, they were hot."

Karl's laugh filled the van and turned the night into day. "Ok I'll give you that one."

The joked all the way home. Once they pulled into the driveway they noticed some of the lights still on.

"Do you think they're awake?" Karl asked turning off the minivan. George just shrugged. They walk into their house and kick their shoes off.

The house was silent enough you could hear the ticking of a clock. They looked at each other questioningly. "Mom!?" George yelled into the quiet house. There was no answer. "What the-" Karl started to look around the house.

George walked to the kitchen. "Karl I found them. They're outside."

Both boys walked outside and saw more people than just their parents. "Hey kids." Their dad waved at them.

"Hey, dad." They both said at the same time. George smirked. "JINX" They yelled at each other. "No. Double Jinx." Karl said. "Double Jinx times infinity." George bounced back. Karl scoffed. "Triple Jinx times infinity." George playfully smiled. "Back out Jinx times Infinity. Ha."

"What the honk!? That's not even- What the honk is Blackout Jinx?" Karl was a bit frustrated. George shrugged. "I dunno."

"You made it up!? What the-" Karl threw his hands up in frustration. "Kids calm down. We have guests." Their dad said.

Both looked around the small circle surrounding a fire pit, and immediately noticed their uncle Greg, aunt Lisa, and older cousin Tyson.

Tyson patted the seats next to him on the log on the grass. They walked over to him and sat down.

"What's up, Ty? How's life as an adult with a full time job?" George asked jokingly. Tyson grabbed some beer from the cooler. "Eh. It's whatever. I've been an adult for three years now, and I'm already tired of it."

He handed George and Karl a beer. "I- Um. Can we even drink this?" Karl asked worriedly. "Still the same old Karl, George you'll take a drink right?" Tyson looked to his left were George was. George looked distressed. He looked at Tyson, then at Karl, than at his parents. His dad caught his eye.

"Sons you guys need to grow up now. Take a drink. Your mother won't care. I certainly won't so go ahead."

George brought the bottle to his lips. He sniffed it, the smell was pungent. He tipped it and took a sip. It tasted exactly how it smelled like. George made a face of disgust.

After seeing George's reaction, Karl wasn't anymore sure if he should drink for it. "Karl drink it. I did it, now you go." George didn't want to be the only one feeling like this.

Karl looked like he was having an existential crisis. "Karl. Pretend it's a new monster flavor." George said, trying to convince him. Karl looked at the bottle, at George, at the bottle again and mentally said fuck it. He held his breath. Took a swig from the bottle. George was drinking the beer as if it were soda.

"George, you like this?" Karl asked smacking his lips, tasting the beer. "I dunno I'll have to see." He took small sips from the bottle. "How it tastes horrible. Literal dog water." Karl put the beer bottle down.

George get the rest of his beer Tyson. They all started laughing and having a good time.

Everyone was engaged in the conversation except for the three on the log. Tyson decided to start one between the three.

"So any of you two dating anyone?" Karl and George gave each other a knowing look. "No. Nobody's deemed worthy of dating the Karl Jacobs." Karl dramatically put his hand on his chest. Tyson laughed at him. "Ok. How 'bout you George?"

George shook his head. "Everybody I've every met is a crusty mother fucker."

"George! Watch your language!" Their mom scolded him. "Sorry, mom."

Soon their family had to go back home. "Bye guys. Come back soon." Their mom waved.

George walked into his room. "I forgot how dirty my room is." He mumble to himself. He took a quick shower and laid in bed. He laid there awake for sometime. He heard Karl's white noise machine, signifying he's already fallen asleep.

George tossed and turned in his bed.

Why can't I ever go to sleep?  George though to himself. He grabbed his phone from his nightstand and opened TikTok.

He had a few notifications from Quackity tagging him in random videos. He scrolled through his for you page. He closed the app and opened Instagram. Apparently looking at memes at two in the morning is the best way to entertain George. Eventually sleep finally creeped in.


Yuh. Second chapter done.

Don't hesitate to correct me on things. Please.

Anyway. I finished this chapter at one in the morning. I'll try to update daily. Probably one or more chapters a day.

Have a good day :)

Housemates // DNF KARLNAP    Where stories live. Discover now