By The Pool

379 14 3

Third Person Pov

Tw: Self Harm

George, Karl, and Clay all walked out to the backyard. The pool was an above ground rectangular pool. It had a deck built around it.

Everybody else was already in it. They got up on the deck and we're getting in. Except for George.

"Yo." Sapnap floated over to George in a donut shaped floaty. "Why are you wearing a shirt. You're gonna get like a farmer's tan, y'know."

George was sitting at the edge of the deck with his feet in the water. "I have my reasons." George shrugged.

"Alright. But if I see you with a farmers tan later, I'm gonna make fun of you." Sapnap splashed him and floated away.

George started to zone out. But then, Drista started squirting him whit a water gun. "That water is so cold." George put his hands up in defense. "Then get in weirdo. Or else I'll keep doing this." Drista dunked the water gun back into the water to fill it up again.

"Ok. I'll get it. Just don't shoot me." George sunk into the pool. "How is this water so cold." He walked around a bit to get warmed up.

Then he felt a spurt of water on the back of his head. He turned around and Karl was laughing. "That was perfect. I didn't think I would get a head shoot." He giggled. George grabbed a pool noodle and as quickly as he could chased Karl around the pool, running into everyone else while doing so.

George walked him a couple times before getting shot again by Drista. "What the-" George looked at her weirdly. Then shook his head.

Soon a water fight arose. Disturbing Rose and Arline sun bathing on floaties. They got out and laid on the deck instead. It was an everyone for themselves fight.

Eventually the chose to make up a different game.

"We should do like a certain amount of pool noodles on one side and the same on the other. Two teams of two. We defend our own pool noodles while trying to take the other peoples noodles." Drista's idea seemed to intrigue everyone and they liked it. So they started.

"We should do siblings agains siblings. Sorry Sapnap." Drista looked at Sapnap and shrugged. "Then whoever looses has to go against Sapnap and one of the winners. Which will probably be me." She sounded really confident that she was going to win.

"Ok. I'll be off to the side then. And wait. Be the unofficial official referee." Sapnap walked over to the edge of the pool and stood there. "Go to your sides and wait for me to say go." They got ready on their sides. Prepared to protect their pool noodles.

"Go!" Then it commenced.

It was two pool noodles per side. Orange on one side blue on the other. Karl and George both had one pool noodle. On the other side, Drista was left defending the noodles, while Clay retrieves the opponent's noodles.

Clay rushed towards Karl and wrestled for his noodle but Karl wasn't going to give up. "George go for the noodles!" He yelled at George, who was already doing that to begin with.

George reaches Drista and took one of their noodles. "Oh my god. How?!" Drista yelled. "Clay one noodle down! I repeat one noodle down!" Clay didn't hear her. He was persistent with taking Karl's noodle. George tricked Drista to let her guard down a little bit and took the other noodle almost loosing the others in the process.

"Everybody stop! George and Karl win!" Sapnap yelled. "Holly shit that was epic." He said as everyone gathered in the center again.

"How did we loose?" Clay looked at Drista a bit disappointed. "Well maybe if you had helped me when I told you they TOOK ONE OF OUR NOODLES. Maybe just maybe we would've won." Drista said.

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