Today's The Day

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Third Person Pov

The day everyone had been anticipating finally arrived. The last day of school.

The day seemed to roll by slower than a turtle. Since there was no more lessons to teach, most teachers just played a movie, documentary, or YouTube.

Eating their last lunch as highschoolers they sat in the crowded cafeteria.

George, Karl, Quackity, Skeppy, and Bad, were all sitting, laughing, and having a good time.

The intercom system erupted through the built in speakers in the cafeteria. "Seniors. Seniors if you do not have a cap and gown for tonight please head over to the library. Seniors if you do not have a cap and gown for tonight please head over to the library. Thank you and have a fantastic last day of school guys."

"Wow. Can you guys believe that." Bad said shaking his head. "We're seniors. We're graduating." He had an enthusiastic smile on his face.

"Bad, don't get offended when I tell you this, but, I seriously thought you were a junior for most of the year." George said, pointing at Bad with the end of a fork.

"Wow, thanks George. Means a lot." Bad replied with so much sass. "I told you not to get offended." George said.

Quackity suddenly turned to Karl and George. "You two have gotten laid before, right?" He pointed at them.

Karl shook his head. George shrugged and answered, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well," Quackity readjusted his beanie. "I would like for you to tell me what it's like to have sex for the first time."

George squinted his eyes, and eyed him suspiciously. "No." Quackity scoffed. "C'mon George. Why not? It's a simple question."

"Quackity, I'm not going to tell you about my sex life. Especially not my first time." George took a sip out of his carton of milk.

"George, I'll give you five dollars if you tell me." Quackity tried bribing him.

George rolled his eyes, not taking his bullshit. "No. Alex, stop asking. Why do you want to know anyway? If you're so desperate, ask the internet. You have a phone with you, it has google, use it" George was eating his mandarins from his fruit cup.

Quackity rolls his, but pulls out his phone, not to look it up but to text someone. George continues to finish his fruit cup.

The bell rang for fifth period. They threw away their trash and headed to their classes. George and Alex has the same sixth period.

They sit in their spots and wait for the tardy bell to ring. " Alex, why do you ask me about my sex life a lot?" George turned sideways in his seat. " Because, George, I want to know what it's like to be sexually active, and nobody I know is better to ask then you. So take it as a compliment." The bell rang and class started.

The teacher put on an "educational" movie, but in reality it was just a Pixar movie. Since it was the last day people were just chatting and enjoying the class. Forty minutes passed by like seconds. For all the seniors it was the last class of their high school career.

All seniors were told to be at the town stadium by four in the afternoon. This gave most seniors time to get ready and look nice for the graduation ceremony. The seniors walked out into the parking lot and started getting into cars. Some were carpooling, others drove by themselves. The group climbed into the van.

Karl was in the driver seat, George in the passenger seat, Bad behind Karl, Skeppy behind George, and Quackity in the back seat. "Milkshakes?" Karl asked turning in his seat.

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