They're Back

402 12 6

Third Person Pov

Tw: Slurs used

Months flew by and in that time George finally officially moved in with Nick. Both had changed the locks on all outdoor doors. They thought it was for the best if they put the house under their names, since they're the ones that live there and pay the bills. They installed a security system, George's idea.

They had changed some of the furniture. Bought some new stuff. Threw away all of the stuff in the master bedroom and made it a streaming room.

George had also gotten closer to Tubbo and their family in the UK. He'd chat with Tommy and Wilbur every once in a while. He'd sent them some stuff from the US. They sent him stuff. Life was finally looking up for him.

Nick had never felt more at home in this house than he does now. If you had told him a few years ago that he'd be living the best life in this house with one of his best friends, he'd think you were lying.

There was only about two more weeks for Christmas. Nick was never really fond of these holidays. He hated decorating for something that he always got his hopes up for, only for them to be stomped to the ground.

George was currently trying to convince him to decorate with him. "Please Nick?" George pleaded from the other couch.

"I literally told you no. Stop asking me. I don't want to decorate anything." Nick switched the channel only to return to the same one.

"Can we at least put up and inflatable snowman outside?" George looked sad not being able to decorate anything. "Or a tree in here? Please, oh my god, please we need a tree in here. And maybe some like Christmas mugs. Please." George was begging at this point.

"Fine, but can we tomorrow?" Nick had to prepare himself for this shopping trip. George gasped happily. "Yes of course. Let's goooo!!" George celebrated. Only for it to be cut short to loud banging plat the front door.

"I'll get it." George was already standing anyways. He unlocked the door and curiously cracked a little, scared of who it might be.

There was a lady. She looked to be about in her late thirties, maybe? There was kids standing behind her looking bored. She had keys in her hand. George was genuinely confused.

"Hello?" George peeked through the cracked door. "Oh." The woman looked up at him. "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house?" She asked.

George was thrown out the loop. Her house? She doesn't live here. What the fuck is she talking about?

"I'm sorry ma'am. I live here. I think you got the wrong house." George was about to close the door. "No! This is my house let me in!" She yelled at George.

"Can I get a name?" George asked sternly. Jeez, he felt bad for these kids. He looked behind her and a man showed up. "Samantha." She said sounding annoyed.

George quickly closed and locked the door. He heard her scoff loudly. "Jesus. Yo, Nick, there's a lady named Samantha outside, claiming she lives here?" George said to Nick.

"Oh fuck. What the hell. There's no way." Nick got up and rushed to the window to look out. "Shit, that's my mom." He said. He peeked through the blinds.

"I have an idea. How about we let her stand there banging at our door until she gets bored and leaves." George suggested. "Yeah why not." Nick stared in disbelief at the people outside.

George nodded excitedly and ran around the house making sure everything was locked.

The sat down on the couch for a good minute. The banging was persistent. Nick got annoyed and looked out the window. "George they have suitcases with them."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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