Pure Emotions

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Nearly a month had passed, and the guys at the office had noticed that Kimmy was getting closer and closer to Jake with every passing day, both on and off set. She couldn't stop talking to him off camera and on camera, she kept giving Jake some flirty looks. They had just finished shooting the most recent episode of Try Not To Laugh, where the squad had mystery boxes and Jake managed to make everyone (Jackie, Noah, Courtney, Shayne, Kimmy, and Damien) laugh using only a green wig, some huge glasses, a flower face, and most notably, a few of his many funny accents, his Scottish enough to almost make Courtney fall out of her seat. After filming, Jake headed for the break room, and whilst he left, Courtney pulled Kimmy aside for a word.

Courtney: So what's the deal with you and Jake? You guys dating? Cos you seem almost inseperable!

Kimmy: Ever since what happened, me and him just agreed to stay friends until we think the time is right. Besides, what's wrong with a bit of flirting?

Courtney: And how about you possibly being... pregnant?

Kimmy: Oh, that? Well I have been throwing up in the mornings this week and feeling a little awkward, so I bought a couple of tests with me to see if I am or not.

Courtney: Want me to cover for you?

Kimmy: I'll be fine, I'm gonna take them now.

Courtney: Whatever happens, just remember everyone here's gonna support you - especially me and Jakey.

Kimmy: Jakey? Seriously?!

They had a quick laugh before Kimmy headed off to the bathroom and got down to business. She got the first test ready, and finished it quite quickly. The second was more of a struggle as she didn't feel the urge to pee, but she did get enough to get a result. Now it was just a waiting game. So she shot Jake a text, telling him to meet her.

"Women's bathroom. 5 minutes. Don't let anyone see you."

Jake finished his drink and headed out of the break room to wait outside the ladies. Knowing he'd be outside by now, she opened the door and almost yanked him inside, with Kimmy taking a second glance to check nobody had followed him. When she was satisfied, she locked the door and sat up on the sink, next to Jake, who had a gut feeling as to what was happening.

Jake: So, this is about you maybe being pregnant, right?

Kimmy: Yeah, I couldn't wait any longer. Especially since I've been throwing up a lot recently and feeling weird at work. I hope that's okay.

Jake: Hey, it's fine. Whatever happens, you are strong enough to get through this.

She took a deep breath and grabbed the test results, closing her eyes so she couldn't see them. Not giving anything away, Jake grasped her hand in a show of confidence as she flipped the tests to face her and opened her eyes.

2 negatives.

Kimmy: Both negative - so I'm not pregnant...

They both took a sigh of relief as she put the tests and boxes back in her little bag.

Jake: Is it what you were hoping?

Kimmy: To be honest, yes and no. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do want kids someday, with the right guy, but not right now. Soon, though.

Jake: Well, truthfully, I feel the same because deep down, I didn't feel 100% ready to become a dad, especially since I'm only 24.

Kimmy: If it means anything now, I can tell you would have killed it as a dad. And you never know, you might just be able to do that soon!

The words brought a smile to Jake's face as he then summoned up the courage to do something Kimmy had been wanting for a while now. He tightened the grip on her hand a little as he just went with it.

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