A Reason For Everything

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2 weeks later, Jake had been invited to play in the return show of 2 Truths, 1 Lie, but he had no idea who he would be playing against. All he did know was it wouldn't be Kimmy, as she would be in the background, watching on with Courtney, Olivia and Shayne. Just before the cameras were due to start rolling at 4pm, he was pulled aside by Ian.

Ian: So, to raise the stress of this game's return, the producers did a bit of research and... well... don't hate us for this, but...

Jake: What did you do?

Ian sighed before saying it.

Ian: They invited your ex girlfriend, Hannah to play too.

Jake's eyes lit up with tension.

Jake: Oh boy...

Ian: I had a feeling you would react like this - if you feel comfortable doing this or anything, we can always just sub Courtney in or someone--

Jake: No, no, it's fine, I, er... I can do it.

He then took his seat with some nervousness, Hannah then emerged and in Jake's eyes, not much had changed from when he last saw her, when they ended things. She gave him a cheeky wink, something Kimmy definitely did not appreciate, as she looked like she wanted to strangle her.

Hannah: Hey, Jake.

Jake: Hey...

As filming then began, Jake did the intro and introduced Hannah to the world. Since she moved to Ireland, she led a quiet life and became a low key actor, but she had hardly spoke to Jake since they ended things, so even though he was fine on camera, deep down, everyone knew he wasn't the same.

Jake: Okay, ladies first.

Hannah: Okay, here goes... My dad used to work at Aston Martin, I started a false rumour that made my friend break up with their boyfriend, and I used to do doodles of you in my school notepads when we were dating.

Jake: Okay, going straight in at the deep end... I definitely know your dad worked at Aston Martin, so it's between the other two... I'm gonna say that the lie is... the doodles.

Hannah then got the water gun ready and fired it all over his face, as she then revealed the answer.

Hannah: Nope, it was the false rumour!!! For the record, Katie, I'm so sorry again! I never meant to split you guys up, you two were couple goals!

Jake: Okay my turn...

The game went on, with Hannah guessing Jake's lie once and then getting it wrong another 3 times, and Jake got 2 right and another 2 wrong before they entered the final and probably most deep round.

Hannah: Okay, last round... I faked a sickie to get out of the school's Christmas panto, I have no regrets about our relationship ending the way it did, and... I cheated on you whilst we were together.

Whilst Courtney and Shayne tried to process the 3 facts in utter disbelief, Kimmy would have sent Hannah to the grave right now if she could as she was absolutely fuming inside. She knew Hannah was making Jake uncomfortable by his facial expressions and her constant flirting, as well as the bombshell of her last statement.

Jake: Oh boy, awkwardness just went through the roof! I know I'm probably gonna be wrong but what the hell, I'm already soaked - I'm gonna say... you never cheated on me...

As Hannah set about loading her gun, she felt a sense of regret as she then fired it half-heartedly leaving everyone in pure shock.

Hannah: I'm sorry...

Jake: But... but why?

Hannah: It was just before we broke up, a one night thing with Matt, his best friend. We got quite drunk and one thing lead to another... That's why I moved away, because I never wanted to tell you...

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