Holiday Heaven (Part 1), Funny Business

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2 weeks later, it was the morning when the holiday would begin and with the dogs under the care of Courtney and Shayne, Kimmy and Jake were packing their bags and about to head out to the airport, and were also double checking if they had everything. Kimmy was also checking if she had the 'something special' she and Courtney had picked out a few days ago for Jake.

Kimmy: Yep, it's in here... he's gonna love this...

As she smiled at the sight of it, Jake then appeared from the other room, with Kimmy quickly zipping her case back up.

Jake: Hey, you ready to go?

Kimmy: Yeah, just checking I've got everything. Including a very nice bikini set I got recently, just for you...

She ran her fingers up Jake's front, pulling him into a deep kiss, staying that way for a good few minutes before they pulled away.

Jake: As much as I would love to just ravage you right now, our flight leaves in about 2 hours, so we should get going.

Kimmy sighed a little in frustration.

Kimmy: Fine, but mark my words... this is not over...

She gave Jake a wink before Jake took her bags and headed out front, where Ian was waiting for them to take them to the airport. They got in the car and headed up to the airport, and before long, they arrived. After getting their bags, they waved bye to Ian as they headed into the terminal and got themselves checked in. Whilst they were waiting for their plane, Kimmy headed off to the duty free while Jake was checking his phone, buzzing through his notifications and seeing that Megan had messaged him.

Hey bro, I hear you're off on your hols today! Just wanted to wish you and Kimmy a safe flight to Hawaii! And also, I heard from Courtney about Kimmy being pregnant! Can't believe there's gonna be more of us soon!

Thanks, sis! Was a bit of a shock to us when we first found out too!

Just curious but do you know what you're having yet?

Not yet, we've got an appointment booked a few days after we get back just to see how Kimmy's progressing. We'll be having a gender reveal party on the day Kimmy's due to start her maternity leave, and I would love for you to be there!

I'd love nothing more, Jake! Also can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt!

It's kinda scary, but I'm sure you'll be fine! Anyway, I'm gonna head off cos we're boarding any second now, talk soon sis!

Talk soon bro! Love ya!

As Jake then put his phone back in his pocket, Kimmy returned, carrying a bag of duty-free stuff, including a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses, and also a special shirt which would show off her baby bump when she was further along in her pregnancy. After she modelled the sunglasses, which had Jake's approval, they boarded the plane and got settled down for over 5 hours of flying. After a couple of hours, while everyone else around them were either asleep, listening to music or watching the in-flight film, Kimmy was looking through Amazon for baby clothes and toys, whilst Jake was reading the football magazine he had bought with him, catching her eye as he looked at her while peering over the top of his magazine, Kimmy laughing a little at the sight.

Kimmy: What?

Jake: Just admiring your beauty. You are so goddamn beautiful.

Kimmy: Will you still think I'm beautiful when this gets bigger?

She gently rubbed her hands around her growing bump while speaking with Jake, a hint of concern on his face.

Jake: Of course I would babe, whatever gave you the idea that I wouldn't?

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