Earning Back The Trust

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2 weeks had passed since Kimmy and Jake discovered that they were expecting, and it had also been 2 weeks since Courtney and Jake kissed on the pier. Ever since Kimmy had been discharged from hospital, Jake had remained tight lipped on the subject, and hadn't told a soul, but that didn't stop Kimmy from questioning him on anything that involved Courtney. So after they had finished filming for the day, she took her chance to properly ask questions.

Kimmy: Jake, can we talk when we get back? It's kinda important.

Jake: Yeah, sure.

Half an hour later, they arrived home and after Jake made them both a coffee, Kimmy got straight to the point.

Kimmy: So I've been noticing you and Courtney have been getting more and more distant recently. Something you wanna tell me?

Jake took a deep breath and sighed.

Jake: Well, I guess you were bound to find out sooner or later. Remember that day when we found out you were pregnant?

Kimmy just nodded as Jake continued.

Jake: Well, whilst they kept you in for observation overnight, I went to the pier to have a think about something. On whether I should move back to England, because Hannah tried one last time to try and get me back, plus I really missed Megan. All of which persuaded me to not go back, for the sake of my job, you, and...

He gently put a hand on Kimmy's stomach.

Jake: For the sake of these two.

He wiped a tear from Kimmy's cheek.

Kimmy: Well, I'm glad you chose not to. Was it because you were missing your sister?

Jake: Partly that, partly because Hannah tried one last time to lure me back, but I just refused to be with her. But that's not the only reason. Courtney then showed up to help me reach a decision, and once I did... she kissed me.

Kimmy: She... kissed you?!

Jake: Yeah, she did. Now, before you get mad, just know that I didn't kiss back or anything like that. If anything, she tried to take advantage of my vulnerability.

Kimmy had a look of confusion on her face.

Kimmy: So she kissed you... but you didn't kiss back?

Jake: Because I knew it would be the wrong thing to do, especially now I have you and 2 little ones to care for in the future.

Kimmy: And can you promise me that what you said happened was what actually happened?

Jake: Kimmy, I give you my word. I would never lie to you. I'm not the kind of guy who cheats or lies to anyone. I promise you... that was all that happened.

Kimmy contemplated her thoughts for a bit.

Kimmy: Okay, I forgive you, but only because you sound like you're telling the truth.

Jake: Honestly, it's Courtney you should really be mad at. She was the one who initiated it in the first place...

Kimmy: We'll both talk to her about it, she needs to be put in her place. But also, seeing as you didn't stop it, you deserve some form of punishment. So... let's just say that someone from your past will be making an appearance in the next couple of days... or maybe even tonight... in a way that will absolutely torture you.

She then gently ran her fingers down Jake's chest, and with her other arm around his neck, pulled him in for a sweet kiss which soon turned into an hour long make out session.

Jake: You're just so amazing, how did I end up with you?

Kimmy: Just because you were being you. That's why.

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