Sheer Desperation

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A couple of weeks later one afternoon, Jake was out in town with Shayne, while Courtney was back home with Kimmy, playing with the dogs.

Courtney: So have you two thought of baby names yet?

Kimmy: We'll cross that bridge a bit closer to the time, but we have had a couple cross our minds - I really love the name Maya, and so does Jake. He also said that if he ever had kids, he would call his girl Yasmin.

Courtney: Love them! They're cute names!

Kimmy: Yeah, took a bit of thought, it was a toss up between Freya and Maya.

Courtney: Either way, these babies are gonna have 2 kick ass parents, that's for sure!

She gently patted Kimmy's bump, with the babies obviously sensing Courtney's presence as they replied back by kicking a little.

Kimmy: Ooh... it seems these two agree as well!

The girls then just put on Netflix and sat back with the dogs, Moe and Lumpia taking a liking to Courtney while Buster nestled his face into Kimmy's lap.


Shayne and Jake were at a bar in town, having a drink and just loving life, with their sunglasses on and everything.

Jake: So, how's things going with Court?

Shayne: Could not be going better! I'm gonna ask her to move in with me this summer - she has hinted she wants to a couple of times as of late! How about Kimmy and the babies?

Jake: Pretty damn good, she's due in the middle of May, quite close to my birthday, as it happens!

Shayne: Who knows, maybe even on your birthday!

Jake: Now that would be something special! Also, there's something that's been on my mind for a while now, concerning you and Courtney...

Shayne: Shoot.

Jake: Me and Kimmy had a chat about this... and we'd personally love it if you and Court would be our babies' godparents.

Shayne's jaw dropped at the mention of the last word.

Shayne: Are you... are you serious?

Jake: I wouldn't be if I wasn't asking...

Shayne: Holy crap... I'm shocked! I mean, it's a yes from my view but I'll see what Court says!

Jake: Knowing how good she is with kids, I'm sure she'll say yes!

Shayne was still in pure shock with the revelation.

Shayne: Are you sure you want me and Court as godparents?

Jake: Absolutely. You, Courtney and Ian practically encouraged me and Kimmy since day 1, and look at us now. Did not expect all of this to happen this quickly. Not in the slightest. And me and Kimmy thought you two would be not only perfect together as a couple, but also as godparents.

Shayne: Well, I'm glad you think so.

He then raised his glass of vodka and coke, while Jake joined him with his Disaronno and diet coke.

Shayne: Cheers... To what the future holds.

Jake: I'll drink to that.

They enjoyed their drinks and passed the time for another hour before the sun began to set, with Jake getting pretty drunk after his 7th drink.

Shayne: Come on you, time we went home.

Jake: Ohhh, do we have to? Spoilsport...

As Shayne helped him up, they went to cross the road, when unsighted, a speeding driver came towards them. Shayne tried to get him and Jake to safety, and tried to jump to the pavement, holding his hand. But it wasn't quite enough. The car itself had crashed into the wall and Jake's body was caught in between. As Shayne got himself together, he saw Jake in between the car and the wall, with 2 people running off from the scene. Shayne tried to go after them but it was no use. In the end, he just couldn't keep up. So, out of breath, he rang Kimmy and Courtney.

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