Just A See You Later...

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It was now the last Tuesday of January, and with Megan currently back in the UK sorting out a few things before she returned to America, Damien called her to see if she needed help, which put a smile on Jake and Kimmy's faces.

Damien: And you're sure you're okay for coming back out here on Friday?

Megan: Damien, I've told you 3 times now, I will be fine! I've told Jake to pick me up from the airport when I land.

Damien: Okay, just checking! You can never be too careful these days...

As the conversation went on in the office, Kimmy and Jake just smiled at each other as they listened in.

Kimmy: You sure you're okay with your sister going out with Damien?

Jake: She's old enough to look after herself, who am I to stand in her way of who she sees?

Kimmy just rested her head on his shoulder, happy with how the day was going. Today would be the last day of filming for them before Kimmy would go on maternity leave, and Jake had finally decided to host his British version of Eat It Or Yeet It today, as well as a farewell Try Not To Laugh for them both later that day.

Kimmy: So, what do you have in store for Eat It Or Yeet It?

Jake: Well, seeing as you're helping me out, I guess I can tell you...

He guided her to the set, where he displayed the foods being used - Jaffa Cakes, a spicy Cornish pasty, a scotch egg, black pudding, and crumpets, with the Big Bite being Battenberg cake. With Shayne, Saige, Courtney, Garrett and Noah all taking part today, it was bound to go well. After half an hour, everyone was ready, and the show went as well as could be expected, with nearly everyone trying everything. Saige threw up immediately when she got the black pudding...

Saige: Ugh, god! What the... How can you guys eat crap like that?

...as did everyone else who tried it, except Shayne and his grave mouth, who got the spicy Cornish pasty and the scotch egg which he actually kind of liked...

Shayne: That's actually not bad, bit of a weird texture, and it's really killed the spice from that pasty thing...

... Noah getting the Jaffa Cakes...

Noah: Wow, they're good! Really tangy, which I like!

... and Garrett getting the crumpets...

Garrett: Are these meant to be like what toast is meant to be?

Jake: It's an alternative, put it that way...

... while Courtney thanked her lucky stars she only got the Big Bite, which she and everyone else loved, with Kimmy not being able to resist having another bit.

Courtney: This is amazing! Seriously, one of the best cakes I've had!

Kimmy and everyone else nodded in agreement, with Jake even pinching a bit for himself.

Jake: Well, glad you guys enjoyed a taste of the UK!

The cameras then cut and everyone gave Jake a pat on the back for a solid job as the host.

Garrett: Okay guys, back here for about 2 so we can get this Try Not To Laugh filmed!

With everyone heading off for lunch, Courtney, Shayne, Jake and Kimmy were heading to a nearby Mcdonalds, as Kimmy's cravings for a very unusual Big Mac were kicking in again - she would also get a McFlurry and then spread it inside the burger, which even made the boys cringe a little.

Shayne: Dare I even ask? That just looks absolutely horrible.

Jake: Seconded. How the hell are you able to eat that?

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