Beginning of Golden Frieza

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(Ok, I can't quite fit the entire title within the 80 character limit, so this is the best I can do for now.)

As Goku and Vegeta finish their chores, they head out to exactly where Y/N is.

Y/N: All done? Good. For today's training, we're spicing things up. You two are going to attack me at the same time.

Goku: Wow, you're gonna fight us? Really?

Vegeta: Well, this is a first.

Goku: Wait a second, are you saying that you've been training for 6 months on this world and Y/N hasn't let you fight him once?

Vegeta: So? What's it to you?

Goku: I guess he just didn't think you were up to it!

Vegeta: What was that?

Y/N: Well, It's the truth; you weren't, and still aren't, strong enough. Though Goku isn't strong enough either.

Goku: I'm not?

Y/N: No, not by a long shot. But the two of you together might be decent enough to at least make it instructive, and not just a massacre. Want to try?

Vegeta: You have to ask?

Goku charges at Y/N and throws several punches, kicks, whatever he thinks will land. Nothing lands. After a few seconds of this, Vegeta shoves him out of the way, and fails just as bad. Soon Goku jumps back in, and they begin to fail together.

Y/N: Alright, stop.

Y/N pushes both of them away.

Y/N: Neither of you are fast enough. You're both thinking way too hard about this. Vegeta especially. It's making you fight slower, and that could be especially costly.

Goku: Yeah, you really do overthink stuff, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Oh, shut your face. You're only thinking less because you're an idiot.

Y/N: The end goal should be for you to be able to fight without thinking in the first place. I will admit that it's extremely hard. There's only about 15 people I know who've ever mastered the technique, and they're all immortal. But if you manage to get it, there'll be no danger that you can't avoid.

Goku: You're saying that your body reacts without you having to think?

Y/N: Exactly.


Whis has finally joined in with tutoring the two Saiyans, both of whom are trying and failing to hit their assigned tutor. Vegeta is busy pummeling the air surrounding Y/N, while Goku is trying and failing to punch Whis. After the two exhaust themselves, their respective teachers relax themselves.

Y/N: You guys have definitely improved since Whis has joined in, which counts for something, I guess, but you two are still severely lacking in speed. Whis had enough time to sign both of your tops.

Vegeta and Goku's respective suits both have the Whis mark on them.

Goku: Woah, when did you have time to do that? You really are amazing, Whis!

Y/N: Alright, let's focus first on you, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Yeah, what about me?

Whis: You're clearly an extraordinary fighter in your own right, but you're always one step behind Goku, no matter how much effort you put in, Correct?

Vegeta: And you just had to bring that up.

Y/N: Do you wish to know why Goku seems to be better?

By Technicality - Earthling Male Reader x Dragon Ball SuperWhere stories live. Discover now