◇ Falling ◇

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Warnings: fluff, depression, mentions of self harm (not like last time), suicidal thoughts, angst

If you need to skip this chapter due to s/h mentions, please take care of yourself and do so, don't feel bad.


Ponk frowned, fumbling with his hoodie strings as he walked down the Prime Path. He kept his gaze down on his feet as he walked, subconsciously knowing where he was going since he had traveled the Prime Path so many times throughout the recent months. He thought about recent events, how Sam didn't love him anymore, how everything was all for nothing. "Love is dead"

Ponk trotted around the crater that was once the great L'Manburg, thinking back on things that would be better left forgotten. The boy scowled as he walked, not wanting to remember everything, but it was all coming back. All so slowly. He stopped when he reached one of the crater's edges, looking down into the deep hole, contemplating many things. "I love you, Sam." Ponk whispered, cuddling closer to the creeper hybrid, who lovingly held him. "I love you more, Ponkie."

Ponk walked away from the edge, finding his way to the remnants of the Community House. He hopped down to the chests, which he opened, and found a fragment of an old netherite edged iron sword. He grabbed the fragment before searching the other chests and leaving to where he now resided. Ponk sighed as he thought of the past, all of the things he would never get back. "I love you more than life itself, I would do anything for you." Sam said softly before placing a passionate kiss on Ponk's lips. Ponk melted into the kiss, cheeks afire with a bright blush. When Sam pulled away, the two stared into each other's eyes, they were the gateway to the soul, right?

Ponk sat down on one of his chests, taking out the fragment and pulling up his sleeve. He grabbed his spare sticks from the secret pocket he sewed into the inside of his sleeve. Ponk then created a sign and used the fragment to carve words into it before placing it down and leaving. He had had enough. "Let bygones be bygones. I'm done. I'm gone."

Ponk walked and walked and walked, passing through the biome where Technoblade lived, leaving everything he knew behind. The boy only stopped when he thought he was far enough away from the one who hurt him, the one who emotionally destroyed him. "Ponkie!! I missed you so much!!" Sam exclaimed, rushing over and peppering the shorter's face with kisses. Ponk giggled, gently pushing Sam away before giving him a tight hug and burying his head in the taller's chest. Sam returned the hug, resting his head on top of Ponk's. "I love you more than anything."

Ponk slowly began to make a house out of birch planks, logs, and other blocks he could find, his vision slightly blurred by tears threatening to fall. The boy didn't stop building until he was done, it looked magnificent. It was a quaint little house with pillars holding up a little overhang awning outside of the front door, a small balcony on the second floor, vines clinging to the sides of the building, and a nice blue front door, it all fit together perfectly. Inside of the small house wasn't much, just a chest room, armor room, crafting room complete with an enchanting table and various chests filled with crafting materials, a bedroom, and a few secret rooms that nobody but Ponk knew about. The whole house was lit up with either shroomlights or soul lanterns, it gave the place a nice aura. Ponk finished up the house by placing lanterns around the small pond outside and then starting a soul campfire beside it so he could enjoy some dim lighting while he watched the stars at night. Ponk entered the house and began to sort through his items and separating them into chests, his face was downcast, but what do you expect from someone who just left to escape their problems? "You place the redstone here and put the repeater here," Sam said softly, showing Ponk what he was doing. "Then, you put the switch on this block here, it should then automatically connect to the system and you're done! You just gotta cover up the excess redstone!" Ponk smiled at Sam's enthusiasm, he was acting like a little kid.

When Ponk finished everything inside of the house, he went outside and sat beside the pond, night was just beginning to fall. He gently reached up and removed his mask, letting the cooling air hit his face pleasantly. The boy turned his head towards the sky, gazing at the few stars that began to appear. "Sam! Look at that one, it's so bright!!" Ponk said excitedly, pointing to a bright star above the pair. "And there's another bright one right next to it, it must be meant for us." Sam said, gently wrapping an arm around Ponk, who smiled, leaning into Sam's touch.

Ponk stopped watching the stars for a second and rolled up his sleeves, revealing a littering of scars across his wrists. He sighed, tracing them with his fingers, Sam had always been there to help him through moments like this, but nobody was there anymore. He was alone. "Ponk, look at me." Sam gently cupped Ponk's face in his hands, gazing into his eyes, "I care about you, I care about you more than anything. Please don't do this." Ponk sniffled, tears falling down his face as he dropped the flint shard, drops of blood following the object as it fell. Sam engulfed Ponk in a tight, protective hug, "I love you so much, if you ever feel the urge to do this again, please, please let me know." The two sat like that for a while before Sam pulled away to clean Ponk's wounds and bandage them.

"Sam... I need you..." Ponk whispered, tears slipping down his face as he stared at the marks from his past.

Nothing would ever be the same again.

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