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She glanced at her phone and grimaced at the white digits lighting up on her screen.


    She placed her phone back on the table and crossed her legs, dropping some of her weight on her arm resting on the table, her cheek squishing against her fingers. Her nails tapped against the surface of the table as she grew somewhat impatient.

    One thing about Kaira was that she was incredibly punctual and despised anyone who made her lose valuable seconds of her time. She was a busy woman, yes, but the thing that genuinely irked her about this situation was that she didn't even want to be here, to begin with. Nonetheless, she held a straight face, her features fully relaxed, and her eyes set on the latte in front of her. Steam escaped the beverage, tinting the air with the pleasant scent of coffee beans and vanilla. She gazed outside the window for a bit, ignoring the sound of the small talks and brewing machines around her.

    Locks of dark, sleek brown hair fell loosely around her shoulders, stopping just a bit below her ribcage. The afternoon sun gave it a shine that highlighted the slight, barely noticeable warm undertones in it. She gleamed under the sunlight, appearing ethereal to anyone glancing her way, yet on the inside, she was fuming. Six minutes was nothing, but the fact that she was sitting there, waiting for Light Yagami, scrapped her ego a tad bit more than she would ever admit.

    Finally, she felt a presence towering over her. She didn't bother looking up and simply kept staring out the window, taking a sip of coffee and repressing a sarcastic comment that was already boiling on the tip of her tongue. She rolled her eyes and remained silent, partly uncertain of what to say but mostly irritated. As her mother always taught her, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    Light's hand grabbed the back of the chair in front of her and pulled it to sit on it, slightly screeching against the floor.



    For the first time since he got here, she finally looked in his direction, her eyes resting on his. She analyzed the man sitting in front of her: strands of light brown hair hung messily over his forehead, resting slightly above his eyes. Like the sunlight did to her, it brought out the warmth in his stare, yet as usual, something icy swirled in it. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but amidst the many shades of brown his gaze contained, there had always been something dark peeking through. It piqued her curiosity; she found eyes to be what usually gave anyone away. Today was no different; his eyes were still as undecipherable as ever– yet hints of amusement sparkled in them, enraging her even more. Nothing was amusing.

    Kaira cleared her throat and gave him a sarcastic smile, earning a scoff in response. He sat back and slid his tongue against his lower teeth, slightly shaking his head. He tilted the chair so that it was solely hanging on the two back legs, letting himself swing a bit as he side-eyed the woman in front of him.

    "I assume that, like me, you have better things to do. Let's end this quickly, shall we?" Kaira spoke coldly, straightening herself in her chair.

    "As charming as ever, are you?" Light snickered, his eyes narrowing as he leaned on the table, slightly invading her personal space.

    She rolled her eyes, parting her lips to answer. Before she could let any sound out, Light continued, "But, you're right. Frankly, I can list many things I would rather be doing."

    "Hm. Such as?" She batted her eyelashes and raised her eyebrows, tilting her head to the left dramatically to show her disbelief.  

    "The list is long, sweetheart. I doubt you want to stay here all night."

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