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Now he'd done it.

    Kaira awkwardly stood there, anger exuding from her skin. With her jaw clenched and her stare empty, she watched Light's smug expression as he introduced her to the stranger in front of her. His hands were both dug in the pockets of his pants, and his facial features were perfectly neutral. He could almost seem unbothered– if it weren't for the smirk growing on his lips. He had his usual expression of self-satisfaction, the one he wears when he successfully gets a reaction out of her or when things go his way.

    This time, however, she didn't understand what he was trying to achieve with this. Out of all the things she expected, this was the last damn thing on the list. Hell, it wasn't even on there.

    She suspected this whole thing was a game to him, but the confirmation irritated her beyond words. There she was, gambling her entire life away while he grinned     and wrapped her arm around her, forcing her closer, "I'm telling you, she's great."

    She blushed at the contact, although innocent; his scent wrapped her up in a trance, as it always did, and for a bit, her anger dissipated. It seemed to melt every time his fingers grazed her skin. It swung right back in as he stared down at her, eyes filling with amusement.

    "I've never met someone quite as intuitive as she is."

    Each of his words was controlled and pronounced too perfectly, too calmly for this to be a rushed decision. His gaze was far too amused for this to be a gamble. He knew what he was doing.

    She could tell.

    It seemed so dangerous and reckless to bring her right into the case when he knew she knew who Kira was. Nothing was stopping her from outing him, right? Nothing was stopping her from pushing Light away and telling the third person what she knew.

    But it seemed too evident, somehow.

    Would anyone even believe her? Would Light end up framing her? He was the one with all the knowledge about this case, after all. He was the one with the expertise on the Death Note. At this point, he was the one pulling the strings.

    Bringing the only person in the whole world who knows Light's true identity directly into the case was perhaps the smartest risk he could have taken because he regained control, somehow. Why would anyone in their right mind be so reckless, anyway? Especially someone with Kira's intelligence. If Kaira were to speak right now, the odds of this stranger believing her would be incredibly low. The situation could very well turn against her since she had the Death Note somewhere in her apartment. Light didn't have it in his possession, and until then, there was not a thing in the world she could do to prove he was Kira.

    Not without making herself a suspect.

    Light knew that. He knew all of that. It infuriated her so much; all she wanted to do was wipe that damn smirk off his face.

    The dark-haired man finally shifted his gaze to look at Kaira. His eyes were empty; it was as if she was staring into the nil, somehow. Light had eyes that were undecipherable, but this man had nothing at all to decipher. Strands of hair hung messily over his eyes, casting shadows over the already existing darkness spreading over the skin under his eyes.

    He looked exhausted– like he rarely ever slept.

    But mostly, he looked unbothered. His hands were dug in his pockets; his shoulders were relaxed, his posture slightly off, and he simply glanced down at Kaira, not an ounce of emotion visible on his features.

    She furrowed her eyebrows, never having met someone who seemed so... indifferent. It was odd.

    "Great, then," he replied, the ghost of a smile hovering over his lips, "you can call me Ryuzaki."

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