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Um hi lol
𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠.
𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑆𝐿𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇 𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓


Awkwardly, Kaira slid a t-shirt over her body to cover herself. A silence had installed itself in the room as both of them were picking up their clothes from the ground, dodging each other's stare. It was a comfortable silence, but still, it felt odd not to say anything.

Kaira never minded silence; she liked it, actually, but with Light, she preferred to stay away from silence. It allowed thoughts and regrets to fill her head.

She pressed her lips together and sighed, words boiling on her tongue, "Can you stay?"

Instantly, her eyes darted down as embarrassment crept up to her cheeks. Out of all the things she could have said, why the hell would she say that? She mentally cursed at herself, shocked that she'd even consider that option enough to say it out loud. She half-expected him to laugh while the other part of her expected him to reject that idea completely. Instead, his eyebrows raised a bit, and he tilted his head, equally surprised by what she'd just asked.

He knew he shouldn't.

He knew there was absolutely no use in staying, nor was there any use in continuing to see that woman. All he wanted was his Death Note, after all. Yet, the situation was oddly stagnant for the journal to be all he wanted. A tiny and hopefully insignificant part of him was starting to care for her. Still, it was a part he'd utterly shut out of his system even if it were the last thing he did. He'd have to admit it to himself first, which would take longer than anything else. He knew damn well the only option he should be considering was getting his Death Note back and killing her for knowing too much. She was in his way, after all– just another obstacle that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

But he couldn't. He'd never be able to write her name down to the last letter, not anymore. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why it no longer seemed urgent to get his book back. He knew that once he'd get it back, he'd have to write her name down. There was no way he could trust anyone but himself with this information, even if it meant killing her.

True, she was innocent, but she knew too much for her own good.

"What did you just say?" He asked, genuinely confused. His eyes simply stayed glued to her face, specks of intrigue tearing through his irises. She'd let him stay in her apartment, where she'd most probably hidden the Death Note? It made little sense to him how she would risk anything like that. Did she have underlying motives?

"Uh, never mind. I'm sorry–

"Okay. I'll stay."

He was trying so hard to convince himself it was for the slight possibility he'd find the book, but he also knew this was what part of him wanted. Nonetheless, he shut that thought out and smiled lightly at her.

"Oh." She paused, not expecting him to accept. "Well, I'm going to shower," she dragged her feet on the floor slowly and looked up at him before disappearing into the bathroom, "feel free to hop in."

He sighed and rolled his eyes, letting his head drop back. It was official; his self-control skills were terrible around this damn woman. Of course, he'd fucking hop in with her. He clenched his jaw and gave himself one last chance to think this over but soon found himself walking towards the bathroom, the sound of running water getting louder.

Her shirt had been tossed to the ground, and steam had already started fogging the mirror. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over his head from the back of his neck, and threw it aside.

"Are you coming? You're taking forever."

"Always so damn impatient."

"Can't help it when it's with you." She chuckled from behind the shower curtains, sarcasm dripping from her words.

He stepped inside, instantly meeting the warmth coming from the hot water. Her back was facing him as she washed her hair, shampoo glistening in her locks.

"How sweet." His voice was low, almost a whisper, but it sent shivers down her spine. Slowly, she turned around and met his gaze; droplets of water were dripping from his hair strands onto his forehead, his eyes were soft, staring down at her face with tenderness. He had the ghost of a smile, and it was perhaps the first time it wasn't arrogant. It seemed genuine.

"Hey," she whispered, catching her heartbeat increasing as she took in his features. Water ran down his skin and made it glisten in the dim light of the bathroom, accentuating every crevice and every muscle. He looked good enough to suck the air out of her throat completely– despite seeing him almost every day.

"Hey," he chuckled, placing a hand on her cheek. He leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips, sweet and innocent. She stared up at him as he put his other hand around the back of her neck, electricity rushing down her veins.

"I want to make you feel good. Is that okay?"

Enthralled, she simply nodded.

Her eyes fluttered shut as he started kissing her neck, much less aggressively than he usually would. His touch was soft and gentle, and it was also oddly comforting. 

She titled her head backwards to give him access to more of her as one hand snaked around her waist to bring her forward. Her sensations heightened; from the water gliding down her skin to Light's lips trailing up her neck all the way to her jaw, every slight graze against her skin sent shivers down her spine. It felt even more heavenly than usual; she was used to his touch being so rough and urgent– her skin was perhaps used to it. The current softness of Light's touches all made her heart flutter. It was a sensation she hated but wanted more of; it felt like electricity was jolting through her veins.

Light backed away slightly, droplets of water dripping from his hair onto his face. He stared down at her for a bit, his gaze as sinister as it usually is, except it differed from the one she was used to because of the subtle hints of gentleness peaking through the darkness.

She stared back at him, her eyes gazing down to his lips every now and then. She placed one hand on his cheek and pulled him closer, intoxicated by the proximity. He kissed her, his movements slow and controlled, and it took perhaps half a second before he grabbed her face to deepen the kiss. His fingers travelled through her hair while his thumbs rested on her cheeks. He stepped forward, forcing her to back against the wall of the shower. Strands of hair stuck to her face, and her mascara ran down her cheeks, but that was the least of her concerns– all it took was one touch for her to become completely and utterly enthralled by Light.


but anyways i'll try update the next chap by tmr or this weekend bc ik im blue-balling you with this + i literally disappeared for 2 months so yk

love u

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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