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   The distant sound from her alarm clock shook her out of her slumber. With every blink, the alarm got louder and louder. She groaned, contemplating her life for a good second. Dim light peeked through her curtains, the sky mostly being dark still.

    She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and stopped the alarm, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in her bed. Again, she sat there completely silent for a few minutes, listening to the sound of birds chirping outside her window.

    She despised mornings.

    Lazily, she pushed her body out of bed and slid her feet against her floor, her arms raising so she could stretch the soreness out of her limbs. Still half asleep, she turned on the shower, stripped, and waited with one hand under the water for the temperature to get warmer.

    Today was a long day that would most likely drain the energy out of her. It was busy, but at least she would get to see Misa in the evening. Her friend was bound to want to know about Light, but frankly, she had very little to say. The man was a puzzle– a complex one at that. He felt like a challenge to solve. She loved a good challenge; she always has, but she just did not have the time or desire to be around Light long enough to crack him. It was Light, after all, someone that annoyed the hell out of her. Nonetheless, she couldn't deny she had this odd attraction to him; it wasn't one she would ever openly admit or fully accept, but it was there, and staring into his damned eyes the day prior reminded her of that.

    She let the water slide down her skin, hoping it would wash off any thoughts she could conjure about Light. Showers cleansed the body, but unfortunately, they didn't have the power to purify the filth from the soul. After a few minutes of letting herself be submerged by warmth and comfort, she turned the water off and stepped out of the shower to pat herself dry. She put on black high-waisted pants, a matching blazer and a lace bodysuit neatly tucked in her pants. She could not recall a day where she hadn't worn black.

    She brushed her hair, secured it in a low ponytail and headed out, already feeling the desire to get back to bed.


    After a 50-minute session, the patient stood up, thanked Kaira and left, calmly closing the door behind them. Kaira took a few minutes to organize her paperwork and frowned, glancing at the clock.


    She had one more appointment at 4:30, and then she could meet Misa. She needed a drink, perhaps two. The beginning of the week always hit hard, but this week, it felt agonizingly slow. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes like hours. She stared outside the window of her office, noticing a couple sitting on a bench in the park facing the clinique.

    She smiled softly, feeling a wave of warmth spread over her at the sight of how content they seemed. One girl held the other tightly, occasionally kissing her girlfriend's forehead as if she were the most precious thing in the world. Even from afar, she could sense the love– not necessarily an unpleasant sensation, but still, a sweet and bitter one, when it reminded her that she had never experienced love that seemed this pure. Images flooded her brain and her vision slightly blurred, completely lost in thought.

    "Kaira, you have an incoming call. I'm forwarding it right now."  The voice of her receptionist, Rebekah, made Kaira slightly jump, shaking her from her a rather unpleasant daydream.

    "Thank you, Beks."

    "Dr. Kyani's office, how may I help you–

    "Kaira, lovely to hear your voice."

    Oh, hell no.

    She gritted her teeth, practically feeling him slily grin through the phone.

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