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Kaira's eyes fluttered open, taking in the dim light peaking through her curtains. Again, they closed shut, and she groaned slightly, wishing she had a few more hours of sleep before having to head to work.

    Memories of the night prior flooded her brain, and for a little bit, she found herself remembering the feeling of Light's fingers grazing over her hot skin. She relished on the memories of the sensation of his lips on hers and on every inch of her body, his fingers wrapping around her throat and his words dripping from his mouth like honey. She thought she would regret it– she should; yet, she couldn't bring herself to wish it never happened.

    In fact, she would do it all over again in a damn heartbeat, even though it was as dangerous as playing with fire. Danger appealed to her in several ways, however. She needed a little of it to feel the most alive.

    Her sheets were wrapped around her naked body, her hair still in a mess and scattered over her silk pillows, the aftermath of Light and heavy slumber. A slight blush spread across her cheeks, and she gripped her sheets tighter, catching herself wishing Light was still there. His heavy breathing and low cusses were replaying in her head, making her core twitch lightly.

    For fuck's sake.

    Lazily, she sat up and contemplated her life. It was 5:34 a.m., several hours before her first patient. She needed a few moments to recollect her thoughts because it seemed she had forgotten all about the actual seriousness of the situation. What she saw and discovered had escaped her mind, having been replaced by Light and what he could do with one hand.

    Light was Kira.

    There was no way around it, no misconception, misunderstanding, or whatever her mind wanted to believe it was. And now, she didn't know what the hell to do with this information. Report him? It felt like the right thing to do. It felt like what she should do. Light's Death Note was still hidden precisely where she had placed it, on the inside of a hollowed brick forming the outer wall of her apartment.

    Light had left without it, either accepting he wouldn't find it without her cooperation or leaving to gather his thoughts in the calm of his solitude. She couldn't help but think he was planning to kill her, somehow, one way or another. Yet, unless he had another Death Note, he couldn't do it that way.

    It was still hard to process, of course. Her brain felt like a muddled pile of confusion, aching for some rest that not even an eternity of sleep would fix.

    The numbness that came with her recent discoveries left a bitter taste on her tongue. Images of Ryuk, whatever the hell he was, flooded her mind. Even if she tried closing her eyes to erase them, they only became clearer.

      Sat on the bed with only thin white sheets covering her skin, she felt oddly dizzy and light-headed. Truly, she was being eaten alive by her train of thoughts. Usually an advantage, it was now driving her utterly mad. Again, all possible options and outcomes for those options laid out before her; yet, the usual clarity of her thoughts was now blurred by her own denial of the situation.

    How in the hell was she supposed to form a single coherent thought after what had happened? Everything she thought possible, let alone feasible, had evaporated through thin air, dissipating along with her sanity.

    She knew she needed to deal with Light somehow. This situation was messy, messier than anything she had ever found herself in. It was challenging to remain calm, even though it is what she did for a damn living.


    Light paced around in his apartment, angry, annoyed, but mostly eaten alive by something he had rarely experienced; stress. He was used to being in complete control of any and every situation. It seemed Kaira was taking a bit of that control every day– in more ways than one. Still, he also somewhat craved the softness of her skin under his fingertips, as much as he tried to shove that thought far into inexistence.

    He needed to deal with her somehow. He had thought many times about killing her by his own methods, but the fact that there was a possibility he would never find his damn Death Note was too much to risk it. Ryuk stood on the side of Light's kitchen table, an apple in hand and an amused expression.

    "You fucked up." His voice seemed delighted as if it just made things more exciting to him. After all, dropping the book into the human realm was simply out of boredom. To Ryuk, the more drama, the better. It was all a game to him.

    Light ignored him and sat at his desk, letting his head fall backwards, strands of hair hanging loosely over his face. He still had a page from the Death Note with him in case something like this were ever to happen. It was also why he still had his memories. He could write Kaira's name on the page right now if he desired, yet the same problem would arise: the page would eventually run out of room, leaving him yet again without his Death Note.

    Also, he assumed Kaira was in a similar situation. She couldn't and wouldn't do anything reckless; that, he knew. How do you even report something such as this? If it ever became necessary, he could discard the loose page and rid himself of the memories altogether.

    Still, he had to think of something to do, fast. It was thoughtless to let her out of his sight. He was taking a risk by leaving her apartment the night prior, but he had to think some things through. He couldn't stay in her presence to do that; she made it extremely hard to think rationally. She was intoxicating, and unknowingly, she was starting to have him wrapped around her little finger. He wanted to do so much to her, and although he had many more important things to focus on, her strangled moans and heavy breathing were clouding his brain.

    He, too, felt his composure break little by little every time she was there. He knew last night shouldn't have happened, yet he knew damn well he'd do it all over again.


hi besties! this is 100% a filler, i apologize if it was short or boring but it needed to be there:(( the rest will mainly be smut with a plot. i'll still put warnings before each chapter but i'm just letting you guys know.
i love uuuuuu and thank you so so so much for the support so far. it means the world 🖤

also, what would you do if you were in kaira's place? i'm curious. let me know!!

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