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Her skin humid from the rain, Kaira lightly pushed the glass door leading to the cafe, some strands of hair slightly sticking to her face. It was pouring outside, and the sound of thunder echoed through the city. While weathers like these tired her and made her want to sleep through the afternoons, it was Monday today.

    And it was 2 pm.

    Still by the door, she dried herself a bit and peeped around, instantly locating Light. As usual, he appeared calm, incredibly composed and even to her, slightly intimidating. He seemed to be reading something on his phone, his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched. Strands of hair hanging loosely over his forehead, he still hadn't spotted Kaira. Perhaps he was too concentrated on what he was doing, having become unaware of his surroundings.

    He was wearing a white shirt with his sleeves slightly rolled up, letting into view the veins snaking down his arms and onto his hands as he was holding his phone.

    Kaira gulped and slightly shook her head, beginning to walk towards the table at which he was sitting.

    "Hi." Kaira greeted, her eyebrows instantly furrowing when she noticed two cups of coffee on the table. Steam escaped both, once again tinting the air with the sweet scent of vanilla and coffee beans, her favourite.

    He glanced up from his phone slowly and grinned, his fingers reaching to the second cup to slightly push it toward her.

    "How'd you know?" She questioned, appearing a bit skeptical.

    "It's a vanilla latte. Not that hard to remember." He rolled his eyes, leaning back on his chair.

    "Well, thank you." She chuckled, quite surprised he would have paid attention to something as minor as this. He was observant; it seemed he noticed the little things.

    Like now, he had already noticed the slight goosebumps on her skin; or how her mascara had smudged the tiniest bit because of the rain. The hair she usually spent too much time straightening had started to curl, still framing her face somehow perfectly. Her skin was glossy, perhaps still a bit wet from the storm, emphasizing the high points of her face as it caught the light. She was uncommonly beautiful– the type that sucks the air out of anyone's throat.

    It was no use to lie to himself; he was attracted to her. Perhaps that was part of the reason why he felt so drawn to her, despite their bickering and teasing. Although women were nowhere near the top of his priority list as of right now, he still enjoyed messing with her.

    "So, are you going to tell me what you want now or...?" she trailed off, taking a sip of coffee. She placed the cup back on the table, glancing up at him, instantly noticing his eyes were filling themselves up with amusement.

    "This again?" He replied sternly, yet his eyes playful and a smirk growing on his lips. "Can't I just get coffee with you without having ulterior motives?"

    She blinked and raised her eyebrows, letting the silence speak for itself. Again, she sipped on her coffee and side-smiled at him, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

    He ran his tongue against his bottom teeth, softly shook his head and glanced away, again letting himself balance on the two back legs of the chair.  "You really think I'm evil, don't you?"

    "Is that a serious question?"

    "Hm. As serious as you want it to be."

    "Then yes. I do think you're somewhat– evil is a strong word– but possibly a bit mischievous, wicked, even." She grinned, nodding her head. "In other words, I don't trust you."

Mondays at 2 • [𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑦𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑖]Where stories live. Discover now