12. Alpine

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a/n: for continuity purposes (see "Ghost of You" and "IONIC") we're working off the assumption that anyone with supersoldier level vibes has a similar condition to Cap; they can't get drunk....as easily.... BUT that doesn't mean they CAN'T


Lena waited at the bar she had chosen with anticipation. The peak of her anxiety was rooted in this being the first paying gig that one of the bands she worked with was playing tonight. Not that she doubted their skill, in fact she absolutely loved their sound and the music they produced. It was more of not wanting to see them overwhelmed by the attention they were bound to attract. It was a busy bar, far busier than she had expected it to be, almost reminding her of something from a 1970's bootleg tape.

She had been present all evening, far before she had told Bucky she would be there, not wanting to subject him to an entire evening of modernized rock music without knowing if he was even a fan of that sort of thing. Finally it was nearing the time she had specified for his arrival and a new anticipation rose in her chest.

A few moments later she spotted him entering the bar, eyes searching the sea of people for her. Even from afar she saw the clear unease in his body language at being surrounded by such a large spectacle of people.

Nearly running up to him she threw her arms around him, not for the first time feeling like a teenager with a boy she did not know she loved yet. He returned the hug, seeming surprised at the embrace, but gripped her waist and spun her around in a circle before holding her at arm's length.

"What happened to your face?" he asked, reaching as if to touch the slowly fading bruise with a gloved hand.

"I could ask the same of you," Lena said, her fingers treading lightly over a recently formed bruise on his cheekbone.

"Uhm- occupational hazard of adventures in Germany," he said, slightly wincing at her touch, his hand folding around her wrist and pulling her hand away.

"I see," Lena said, not seeing what that meant at all. But if he was not going to provide an explanation for the beating he looked like he had been subjected to, maybe she would not have to either.

The entire night he avoided the topic, even after several shots of tequila.

"You think you can out drink me?" Lena asked, leaning towards him conspiratorially.

The bartender who knew Lena well interrupted, "You better buckle up pal - this girl can hold her alcohol better than anyone I know."

Bucky looked dubious.

"Another round bartender," Lena said dramatically.

The bartender obliged, grinning at Lena because he rarely saw her have this much fun, let alone with someone so obviously interested in making her laugh.

Lena knew she had consumed enough to reliably intoxicate her, but knew that her body's response to quickly processing alcohol was to become exhausted in a matter of hours and she still wanted to have enough energy to watch the Lord of the Rings movies with Bucky. They had begun watching the series separately but upon remembering they both had loved the books had vowed to watch the remainder of the movies together.

"Last round and we'll go watch our movie?" Bucky asked.

"Only if you admit that I win on the "who holds their alcohol better" game."

Bucky grinned as he downed their last round of shots, "That sentence right there proves that perhaps you don't and that now is an excellent time to leave and not give you the opportunity to drink more."

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