Fooo Friday

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"Hey!" My friend Carly yelled. "whats up" i answered while messing with my phone. "What you doing?" She asked. "Fooo Instagram" i answered. We were both big fans of The Fooo. "Omg,really" she asked while peeking at my phone. "yep" i answered. She took her phone out and went to Instagram.

She liked all the things i posted. "Nice pics" she said while still liking my pics. "Thanks" i answered.

It was summer so, we didn't have school. We were both bored. "So what are we doing today? i asked forgetting it was Friday which means FOOOFRIDAY.
"Dude, its Friday, FOOOFRIDAY? She said looking at me shocked.

"Right, omg i forgot" i said putting my hand in my mouth. Usually what we do in FoooFridays are watch funny videos of the fooo and send them photos. I could connect my phone in my TV so i can easily watch fooo there in big screen.

We walked home because we were in the park. It took us only 25 minutes because i live close. As we approaches my front door my mon came out. "hey, honey I'am going somewhere tonight i will be back tomorrow at 12:00 ok" she said. I nodded and she head out to her car. "bye, take care hon!" She yells me driving away.

Carly and i walked inside the house. "Im hungry" i heard Carly say while rubbing her stomach ok then lets eat and watch?? We started to watch funny moments of the Fooo boys we couldn't stop laughing they were so funny.

I planned on sending something to boys about FoooFriday. So i did.

LOOK GUYS. FUNNY MOMENTS. yay! Fooo Friday is on!! I posted with a picture of me. ( Mckenzie Foy as Sofia.) 1 hour later as i was falling asleep my phone vibrated and thinking it was my mom But it was not it was someone in Instagram who liked my photo of Fooo Friday. I couldn't believe my eyes who it was!!

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