The Challenge

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Yea, her name is.....


"SOFIA, she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen not really met. Though she does look young 12 or 13." OG said not stopping to looking at her picture. I gave him a pierce look and got out of his room angrily.

I went to my room and was muttering in swedish.

SHOOT!! GOD!! Was all i could say. I guess she really is pretty that even a confusing guy like OG can see her prettiness. But, what if she falls for him.

I quickly went to Instagram and tried to look at everything she posted. She posted a photo of OG saying that he was so sweet for sending her a message about her selfie!! He posted it in public too!!!! OMG! Now what?? She might like him! I gotta do something... I thought to myself.

I wanted to show Felix who the girl i was looking at all day. I grabbed him and took him to my room.
"Her name is Sofia, she is the most beautiful girl i have ever met" i told Felix. Felix looked at me with some kind of angry face. Then he raced out of mu door.

"What did i do!?" I asked myself. But, i couldn't worry about it now that Sofia posted a selfie of her that looked so pretty.

"You look so pretty and very sweet, Sofia."

I typed in the comments. I knew that i did it in public but who cares.

I woke up. Carly was in the kitchen.

"Hey, your uncle and aunt got here this morning but, you were sleeping. That are taking a rest in the guest room, kay" Carly said while taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Ok, what should we do today?" I asked Carly

Carly lifted up her shoulder to let me know that she doesn't know since her mouth was full of pancakes. I told her i wanted some but
she ate all of it so, i got a snack bar instead.

I took out my phone and smiled remembering what happened with me and Felix. I took a picture of me and said...
I sent it to the public and walked over to Carly.

"You done yet?"

"Yea, hey let's go to Alex's house. Today is his big ice bucket challenge, member??" Carly said laughing.

"Right, i hope they haven't done it yet." i squealed
Carly and I went up to my room and got dressed. I put my black hightop heels with a black leather short and white tang top and with it a black leather jacket. With my hair in a ponytail.

Carly wore the same except she had ordinary high tops and instead of black she had light blue. She let her hair fall to her back.

As i left my room my aunt was downstairs.

"Hey auntie, how are you??"

"Hey, honey you look dressed where are you going?"

"Alex's house!"

"A boy?" She asked with an eyebrow up.
Carly and I walked out the house while yelling "A FRIEND!!"

10 minutes later....
We walked to Alex's house since he lived close by. I knocked at the door and Alex's mom opened the door. She let me and Carly in and Alex was in the kitchen with his friend James filling a bucket with water and ice.

"Hello" Carly and I said together. The boys looked at us and said hi.

"U guys here to watch??"
Carly and I nodded them a yes. We walked to the backyard with a camera.

"Hey, guys I'am here to take the ice bucket challenge. I was nominated by James Duncan (His friend). I nominate Sofia Mitchell, Carly Lasen, and Curtis Lasen (Carly's big brother)" James spilled the bucket and Alex started to run around.

We froze thinking we were nominated!! We walked over to Alex and started yelling at him.. "REALLY!!"
"US!!!" We yelled at him. He started laughing and said no turning back. We calmed down and started to laugh.

"Ok, fine we will do it someday" i said while smiling. Alex and I looked at each other for a while. Until Carly broke the silence.

"Let's watch a movie"

James, Alex and I nodded and walked to the living room and Alex grabbed my hand.. I started to blush.

The whole movie i laid down in Alex's chest. When Alex and James went to their to get a movie. I looked at my Instagram and saw that someone commented in my photo i clicked on it and saw OG from the Fooo commented
" Hey, Sofia you are so sweet and pretty."

I could not stop blushing! I called Carly and she started to cry. Carly loved OG and spent almost all her time making OG like or comment in her photos.

"Oh, I'am so sorry" Carly stopped crying and hugged me. Comment back she told me. I smiled and commented
" HEY, THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING YOU DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY IAM :D @OGMOLANDER" i sent to him and looked back at Carly who smiled the boys went back and got THE STARVING GAMES.. i love this movie!! Alex yelled and i laughed. He put it in the CD player and the movie started. And i laid down in Alex's lap.

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