The fooo??

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Sofia's POV
Ariel told me that he's name is Felix Sandman. And that he is in a band called The Fooo Conspiracy. I know I know that name I just can't remember. I had no clue who the Fooo was. Until they said they were famous in Sweden. And that they were Ariel and Anna's favourite band. It was that band they kept blabbering about.
" Let's meet them." I said pointing to the boys.
" I don't know, I'm scared" Anna responded
"We don't even know why they are here. Carly's mom said they were friends with Felix's parents."
" Just come on!!! Please!!" i asked making a dog face.
" Fine but you do the talking." Ariel said.
I nodded and headed their way.

Omar's POV
The funeral ended and we were in the Funeral party. The We took a sit in a table and got some food.
" This looks good" Oscar said looking at his plate.
" It does." I answered.
"Hi....." a familiar voice said.
I turned around to see Sofia!!!! I was shocked!!
"Oh hi." I said looking at Felix who just stared.
" Hi, I'm Sofia and these are my friends who also is your biggest fans Ariel and Anna. Who are 14 and 15 years old. "
" hi....... Sofia, Ariel, and Anna. We are.... but I was stopped by Ariel and Anna.
" we know The Fooo. Felix, Olly, Oscar, and Omar." Ariel and Anna said together.
" You guys are weird." Sofia said
" no we are not!" They answered together.
I looked at Felix who just sat there and ate. I knew he was upset and sad.

Felix's POV
I sat there eating until I heard a familiar voice it was Sofia! I did not know what to do. My heart stopped and all I could think of was her. I wondered why she came here and I thought maybe because she remembered us.
"Hi, I'm Sofia and these are my friends Anna and Ariel who are 14 and 15 years old."
She said those words and I felt sad knowing she don't remember us.
"Hey Sofia!" A boy said with a blue shirt and pants on.
" Hey Alex!" Sofia answered while hugging this Alex guy.
To be honest I was pretty jealous.
" Hey I'm really sorry about the other time." Alex said sounding really sad and Sofia gave him a confused look.
" What last time?" Sofia asked confused
Anna gave Alex a look.
" Oh you know what never mind that was the other time about the bucket challenge!"
" oh yea" Sofi answered

" Anyways meet the Fooo. Felix Oscar Olly and Omar. They are famous in Sweden."
" Hi I'm Alex......"
"Hi" Omar said waving
"What's up bro!" Olly said giving a high five
"Hey" Oscar said while giving him thumbs up
" hi " I said while looking down and eating.

"Hey Sofi come on we have a teen party downstairs wanna come...."
"I don't know Mr. Cools, I don't think I could walk"
" Than Mrs. Cools I will carry you up... "
Alex than grabbed Sofia and carried her away downstairs.
"Alex!! Alex!! I was joking put me down!!" Sofia screamed while laughing.......
I stood up to go to the bathroom and I just started crying.....


Okay so I I hope you guys liked this photo and please vote and comment anything you want!! More is coming soon and I just want to say thank you soooooooo much for the votes!! I have over 6,000 votes and I'm looking towards more!! Thanks guys!!!

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