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Edited July Twenty First 2015

hope you like this chapter, its much like the last one just with little plot whole fixes. Vote and comment your opinions. 


When I was I little I remembered my parents taking me to church every sunday morning without fail. We'd sit as close to the Father as we could get and sometimes they would even let me help the ushers. We were very close with Father Thomas, for my sixth birthday he bought me my own little bible and a little rock with an angel in it. I could remember Father Thomas giving it to me after the service one day, telling me that it was my Guardian Angel and she would always be there for me.

I still had that Angel, it was tucked away in a small box under my bed along with a bunch of other old memories that had been long forgotten.

For my adolescent years things seemed to be perfect in the house. The windows were open all the time, light streaming in everywhere. The sweet aroma of food filling the air every night right before my father would get home from work. That was one of my favorite things to do when I got home from school, my mother even bought me a small step stool so I could be tall enough to help her all the time.

It was crazy to look back and remember how close I used to be to my mother. How she used hug me before sending me off to school, and would never get mad if I spilled something or was afraid of the monster that lived under my bed resulting in me snuggling into her bed.

We used to the best of friends, and I had wanted to grow up and be just like her. But now she was nothing, she was just a drunk that crashed on my couch and ate my food.

She did nothing to contribute in raising Lilly, paying the bills, buying all the necessities Lilly and I needed to live. The only thing she would buy was her alcohol and drugs from the scum she hung out with every night. Completely neglecting her responsibilities as a mother. To be fairly honest I didn't even consider her a mother anymore. After everything that had happened over the past nine years she didn't deserve to be called a mother.

Lulu pulled up to my house slowly, chewing some left over gum she had found in her car. She was rambling on about a new piercing she wanted and how we should get it together so we could match and look like twins. She also mentioned something about dying my hair purple and cutting it into a bob like hers.

According to Lu we'd be called Lever because that was our names mixed together. "You know, we're practically dating. We'd be a hot lesbian couple. I bet that Danielle and Sara would totes be jealous of our hot lesbian coupling. Oh! We should go on a double date with them to make them feel like shit because we the "it" couple." She proclaims proudly.

I begin to laugh uncontrollably, "are you still drunk Lulu?"

She looks over at me with a smirk, "no."

I look at her unconvinced, "okay, maybe i'm still a little messed up. But come on Ever! Their relationship is obviously too perfect to be real, we need to show them up!"

"See you tomorrow Lu."

"Bye Ever!" She screams honking her horn as she drive away faster than need be.

Turning towards my house I notice the driveway is absent of my mother's car, and I knew when she was out this early she wouldn't be home till late if she was home at all.

Our house was a two story little victorian, it was as nice as I could keep it with my busy schedule, it made it better that Lilly loves to garden and picked out all kinds of different flowers to make the outside pretty because she thought the front of the house looked sad and she wanted to make it happy.

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