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Becoming friends with Hermione was really nice. She was really sweet and it felt amazing to have another person on our team. She turned out to be helpful as well as we were still trying to decipher the mysterious package that Hagrid had taken from the vault.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and I all took frequent visits to Hagrid's hut to try and find out what was going on. We had figured out it had something to do with Nicholas Flamel, but we couldn't find any information on him. Before long, it was Christmas Break, and Hermione went home for the holidays. She made us promise that we would continue our research on Flamel. We didn't do a very good job of that, instead opting to take long walks on the grounds. Ron started teaching me chess but began to regret it when I kept winning.

November struck and the air began getting colder. The most exciting event of the month was Harry's first Quidditch match. Apparently, McGonagall had seen him flying and put him on the team, even though first years usually weren't allowed. We'd never really seen him play because Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Team, had wanted to keep him a secret. On the day of the match, Harry was a nervous wreck. We all tried to get him to eat something, but he refused. When Oliver came to collect him, we all wished him luck and he grimaced, following the rest of the team out of the hall. When the match started, I snuck into the Gryffindor stands with Ron and Luna, and Hermione to watch. The match was against Slytherin, so we all knew it would be an interesting game. The game started and Gryffindor was immediately in the lead. They stayed that way for a while until we noticed something odd happening to Harry

"Hermione, what's wrong with him?" Luna asked, aiming her binoculars up at Harry's broom. His broom had begun to shake violently, almost as though it was trying to buck him off. Hermione gasped.

"Someone's bewitching his broom!" She yanked Ron's binoculars out of his hands but instead of scanning the sky, she started searching the stands. "There!" She cried, passing the binoculars to me. "It's Snape! He's staring straight at Harry, and he's muttering something!"

"Hermione! Do something!" Ron was panicking.

"Er, er, I don't know what!" Hermione was panicking.

"Keep your hair on," Luna's voice was reassuring, even in the stressful situation. "I can do something," she ducked away from us and continued watching, switching my gaze from Harry to Snape. I saw a glimpse of Luna's head pop up under the bleachers that the teachers were sitting on, and all of a sudden, Snape's robes caught on fire. It caused the chaos it needed to, and the curse was lifted. Harry clambered back onto his broom and we cheered, the tension leaving our bodies. Eventually, the game ended when Harry caught the Snitch. We were all so proud of him and rushed onto the field to give him hugs. He was really excited as well.

Papa didn't mind that Luna and I were staying at Hogwarts for Christmas. We sent plenty of letters to each other and he knew how much fun we were having. Christmas at Hogwarts was amazing. Twelve huge Christmas trees lined the Great Hall with beautiful ornaments and decorations. The Christmas Eve feast was better than any I had ever had and I went to bed stuffed. The next morning Susan shook me awake and I saw the pile of gifts at the foot of my bed. I had gifts from Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Susan, and Papa. Susan clapped her hands when I opened my gift from her. It was a little stuffed animal badger.

"Oh, Susan," I beamed at her. "It's perfect!"

"I'm so glad you like it," she replied. "I figured I couldn't go wrong with House Pride!"

I made a point of putting the little badger in my bag so that I could carry him around all day.

Susan and I walked to breakfast together, but she still wasn't comfortable sitting with us so she waved and went to sit with the other Hufflepuffs. I sat down with my usual group.

"Merry Christmas!" I called as I sat down. I gave Luna a big hug.

"Merry Christmas," everyone replied.

We spent Christmas day together. We went out into the snow and had an amazing snowball fight with the twins. Once we were all soaking wet and freezing, we went inside to change and then played chess in the warm library. It was nice not to have to think about homework or the stone or anything else. We had an amazing lunch late in the afternoon and then retired to our common rooms for the evening. Susan and I put on our pajamas and lounged around the common room, which was bustling with people. Everyone was in such a good mood and I couldn't help but think that this was one of the best Christmases I had ever had.

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