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"Natasha, can you answer question three?" Mr Frater asked

"What?" I said loudly.

"Don't raise your voice at me, young lady." Mr Frater shouted.

"What's the question then?" I shot back.

"Well, if you were reading along, instead of staring into mid air, then you would know." Mr Frater glared.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my book. Today was just a bad day for me.

"What's wrong, Tash?" Ashton asked.

"Nothing." I snapped.

"Natasha! Please be quiet. One more peep out of you, and you're getting yourself a detention." I looked at Ashton and gave him a dirty look. "See what you did, Ash." I sighed.

"Detention!" Mr Frater said.

I rolled my eyes and waited for the lesson to end. The bell soon rang and Mr Frater handed me my detention slip. "Great." I said sarcastically.

I grabbed my bag and walked towards the cafeteria. "Hey Natasha, what's up?" Leah asked. "I don't know, it's just one of those crappy days you know, and what makes it even more crappier is that I got a detention." I scrunched the stupid slip and chucked it into my bag. I don't even know why Mr Frater gave me a detention. What I did wasn't that bad.

"Do you want to tell me what's up?" Leah hugged me. "It's nothing, really." I said whilst letting go of the hug. You know when people keep constantly asking if you're okay, it it gets annoying because you don't want to think about it, that's how I'm feeling right now.

I looked aside and saw Ashton walking towards us and sat next to Leah. "Hey Ashton." Leah said. I put my hands on my head. "Sorry about earlier, Ash. I've had a crappy day." I smiled weakly. I didn't mean to snap at Ashton earlier, I don't really what was up

"It's okay, Tash. I kind of guessed that you were having a crap day." Ashton smirked.

"How did you know?" I scrunched my eyebrow.

"You snapped at Mr Frater, you never snap at him, or any other teacher in fact." Ashton stated.

"You snapped at Mr Frater!?" Leah gasped.

"It's not a big deal guys." I rolled my eyes. So I back talked to a teacher, we all get those days where you just want to shout back at a teacher, normally we don't physically do it, today was that day for me.

"Seriously Natasha, what's up?" Ashton placed his hand on my shoulder.

"It's nothing." I repeated myself. If I said its nothing, then why don't my friend get that it's nothing.

"Can we talk after school?" Ashton asked. "I have detention remember?" I giggled. "Oh shit. I forgot. I can drop you home after." Ashton suggested. "You want to wait an extra hour?" I laughed awkwardly. It was a sweet gesture, but who in their right minds would want to stay longer at school? "For you, yeah." I looked at him as that was weird of him to say. "It's just me Ash." I nudged his side playfully. "So you don't want the lift?" He raised his eyebrow up. "No, no, no. I do." I laughed. "There you go." He smirked.

"Where are you going?" My friends asked. "To the toilet, want to join?" I joked. I walked out of the cafeteria and made my way to the toilet.

I walked into the girls toilet and I came face to face with Sarah. I was a bit startled as I wasn't expecting the bathroom to be filled with the populars. "Do you mind?" I spoke up, she was just up in my face, giving me a dirty look. She scoffed and walked over to the mirror and began applying more mascara on her already clumpy lashes. Her posse was huddled around her and the mirror. I rolled my eyes and went into the cubicle.

I sat there and all I could hear were those stupid girls gossiping. Don't they have anything better with their lives than just gossiping about total nonsense.

"He stayed round again, didn't he?" I could make the voices it was Emma, a wannabe slut. I know a harsh word of choice, but it's true. She tries to be exactly like Sarah, but fails miserably.

"Yeah! He just called up and came round again." Sarah shrieked. All the girls shrieked too and I just rolled my eyes.

"You could have just not answered the door. Calum goes too far sometimes." Emma said. Are they talking about Calum, Calum? I stopped peeing and kept quiet and continued to over hear their conversation.

"He asked to come round, and he said that he was going to give a little something something, if you know what I mean." Sarah snickered. I mentally gasped in my head. I placed my hand over my mouth as I was shocked.

"So you fucked?" Phoebe asked. She's the one who constantly tries and gets Ashton's attention, but fails miserably. She is head over heels for Ashton, but she's not Ashton's type. I should know as he's my best friend, and sluts is not on his list.

"Yeah..we did the other day as well. I figured him out though." Sarah said.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"He only goes and sleeps and fucks with girls to get his mind off of something." Sarah said casually.

"If you knew, then why did you let him?" Phoebe asked.

"It's Calum Hood, who wouldn't?" Sarah snickered. Don't these girls have any self respect?

I had enough. I flushed my toilet and opened the door. They all jumped when they heard me open the door. They must have somehow in a short period of time, forgot that this was a public bathroom and the whole world does not revolve around them. I awkwardly walked towards the sink and washed my hands. They all went quiet. I rolled my eyes and left the toilet.

I walked back into the cafeteria and sat back down. "I have something to tell you." I said blankly. I was still shocked with what I heard. "You're not pregnant are you?" Leah asked. My mouth dropped. "What? No! Why on earth would you think that?!" I yelled. "Well, you went to the toilet for a pretty long time." Leah stated. "No! I am not pregnant. I didn't have sex with anyone." I shook my head with disgust. Why would she think that?

"I can't believe you thought she was pregnant, Leah." Ashton laughed.

"It's not funny Ashton." I sighed.

"She obviously had a shit." Ashton bursted into laughter.

I slapped him on the arm. "I did not have a shit!" I yelled and everyone went quiet. My eyes went wide and I felt my cheeks flush. I can't believe that I just said that out loud.

"I hate you." I said to both of my friends.

"We love you too." They smirked.

"So what did you want to tell us?" Leah asked.

"Well, after all the assumptions are over, I wanted to say-" I was cut off by the bell.

"I'll message you about it later." I said to them and headed to last period. I'm hoping my last lesson will run through my detention because I really don't want to go.

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