You Can't Do That

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I can't explain the events that occurred. I don't know if I can call them an event when in reality we didn't do anything. I don't know why I went on top of Natasha. It just happened. I was lost with her response. She left me dumbfounded.

"Cal, do you want pizza for dinner?" Mali yelled from downstairs. "Yeah!" I replied back. I jumped when I saw Mali by my door. "I thought you were downstairs?" I regained my breathing pattern back. "I was. I sneaked back up. Where's your girlfriend?" She smirked. "Natasha is not my girlfriend." I stated. "Well, when I saw her, she had a big smile on her face. So what ever you did, you did something." Mali smirked. Was Natasha smiling at the events that occurred? I pushed my thoughts aside and decided to see Luke.

"Where are you off to mister?" Mali was wiggling her eyebrows up and down. "To Luke's." I said bluntly. "You're not going to see your girlfriend are you?" She poked my cheek. What is it with these people and poking my cheeks? I don't get it. I moved her hand away from my cheek.

"Mali. She is not my girlfriend. She doesn't like me in that way anyway." My eyes went wide as I realised what I just confronted with my sister. "Aw, you like her." She squealed. "No I don't." I said stubbornly. "Okay, but you have some type of feeling towards her right?" She nudged my arm. I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't really sure at this moment of time. "Don't stay too long at Luke's okay?" Mali reminded me as I was about to leave my house. "Okay mum, I'll be back soon." I let out a small laugh.


I quickly made my way to Luke's and began knocking his door. I backed away when I saw the door opening. I felt bad as it was Luke's mum who answered the door. "Calum, hi! How are you?" She smiled. "I'm good thank you? And you?" I replied back to be kind. "I'm good thank you. Luke is up in his room." She let me in and I made my way to his room. I poked my head around the door and saw Luke strumming on his guitar. "You're getting better mate." I startled him as I saw him jump at my remark.

"Dude! You could have called." He sighed. "Well I'm here now." I smirked. "You're hilarious Calum." The annoyance in his voice was so visible. "I need to talk to you." I stated. I need to tell him what has happened and what I should do next. "I'm guessing whatever you have got to say to me, can't wait till tomorrow." He let out a dry laugh. I shook my head like an impatient toddler. "Well? Are you going to tell me, since you came unexpectedly?" Luke raised his eyebrow up. I swallowed hard and let out a small sigh.

"So Natasha came round." I started off. I didn't continue because Luke was just smirking at me. "Dude! You're smiling and you don't even know it." Luke laughed. Realisation came in my mind and I was smiling.

"No I'm not." I don't know why I tried to lie. When we both know it's true. "So what happened then?" Luke rolled his eyes. "Well, uh, we were in my room-" "you didn't did you?" Luke sighed. From his tone, he was referring to the times where I used to only fool around with girls.

"No!" I defended and said honestly. Luke's eyes went wide. "What did you do then?" He said in disbelief. "We were playing would you rather and-" "dude..really? You went from sleeping with girls to playing little kids game." Luke said in a dumb tone. "Will you stop interrupting and let me finish with the damn story." I out bursted which caused Luke to go quiet.

"Anyway, she started calling me CT, which I hate, and I said stop calling me that or else. So she said or else, and I don't know what came over me and I just went on top of her." I paused to let Luke take in the information.

"So you know?" Luke wiggled his eyebrows up and down. I whacked him hard on the arm. "No you twat. I wanted her to stop calling me CT, and then I was going to tickle her, and I brought up Ashton blah blah blah. Then she held onto my hand and I asked if she would mind. And she goes, maybe, maybe not, and slipped out of my gripped and winked at me and left." I said slowly so Luke will listen to every bit.

"Woah." Was the only words that escaped his mouth. "I know." I replied back. "I may be wrong here, but maybe this Dawley girl likes you CT." Luke smirked. I just glared at him as I hate the nickname. I mean, I know Mali calls me that, but she's my sister, and I can't get mad at her. But everyone else, I get mad at. Weird, I know.

"I doubt that Luke." I sighed. Luke shrugged and went back to strumming his guitar. Maybe Luke was right. But I don't know. I know I like Natasha, but I want to be close with her. But I don't want to end up like that Michael dude. The guy who last went out with Natasha. Well, that's what Ashton said. But he is best friends with Natasha, so he is probably telling the truth.

I placed my hand on Luke's guitar which stopped him making a tune. "Calum." He moaned. "Do you know about Michael. The dude with the coloured hair. The dude I had a fight with?" I questioned. "That's one weird question, but uh, not really. Why?" Luke asked. I shook my head. "Doesn't matter." I replied. "Oh come on! It must matter if you asked." Luke stated.

"He used to date Natasha. Okay?" I sighed. Luke smirked and turned around to face me. "Are you jealous?" He asked. I don't think I am. "No." I said calmly. "Why would you want to know then?" He smirked. One day that boy needs to stop smirking, otherwise one day I'll slap the smirk straight off of his face.

"I'm curious. That's all." I said whilst walking to the door. "Well, curiosity did kill that cat. So I'd be careful if I was you." He waved his hand goodbye in the air and I shook my head to the words he produced and made my way back home.


"You weren't out for long." Mali said as she placed the pizza on the plate. I shut the door behind me and grabbed her pizza. "No." I said with a mouthful of pizza. "You know there's more Cal." She stated as I ate her pizza from her plate.

I just grinned and continued to eat her pizza. "So, how's your girlfriend?" Mali looked at me with eagerness. I rolled my eyes and stared at her. "I know I know. But when ever I mention it, I see a little glow in your eyes." She smiled. "Shut up." I continued to eat the pizza.

"CT! Come on. Tell me!" She whined like an annoying four year old. "We talked. Happy?" I said in a monotoned voice . "Lies." She laughed. "We did! And then she started calling me CT and-" "oh my gosh, really?" Mali said with glee. I nodded to her response. "Aw." She squealed. "So I stopped her by tickling her. But I didn't end up tickling her. Instead I went on top of her and was just staring at her." I placed my pizza onto my plate.

"You what?" Mali stared at me. "You can't do that Calum." Mali's voice raised. "I didn't do anything. I swear." I raised my hands up. "Still Calum. When you like someone, you don't go on top of them." She rolled her eyes. "Well she left with a smile on her face, didn't she?" I shot back.

"Yeah, but, uh, Calum, that's not the point." She frowned. "Mali. I like her okay." It took all my guts to actually tell this information to my sister. As soon as those words left my mouth, Mali came running towards me and gave me a tight hug. "What was that for?" I said whilst trying to get out of her grip. "For confronting your feelings." Mali smiled.

I smiled too to her response. "Just don't do something stupid Calum." My sister let out a worried laugh. "Don't worry. I won't." That's the thing. I'm worried that I'll do something stupid.

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