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Class started ten minutes ago and the seat next to me that was suppose to be occupied by Ashton, but it's empty. I knew he was in today because he was in art first lesson. It's not like him to skip lessons.

I kept looking back at the clock, then the door, and my seat. Maybe we don't have English now. I quickly got my planner out and checked my timetable. Yeah, we have English now. I sighed and placed my planner back into my bag.

As I popped back from being under the table I saw Ashton walk through. "Late Mr Irwin, care to explain why?" My teacher asked. I felt relieved that Ashton was here. Even though we're at bad terms, he's still my best friend and I care for him. I'd literally be lost without him.

"I was, uh, trapped in the janitors closet." Ashton explained which caused the class to snicker and laugh. I smirked because that is something that would happen to him.

"Don't need to tell such awful lies Ashton, now take your seat." Our teacher said strictly and Ashton quickly made his way next to me.

"You were trapped weren't you?" I let out a small giggle because it was funny saying/hearing it again. He nodded and his cheeks burnt to a rose colour.

"Care to explain why you were in there?" I laughed.

"Your boyfriend." He smirked back.


"I don't have a boyfriend." I gently pushed his shoulder.

"Calum." He grinned.

"What about him?" I slightly panicked. Did he know what we did?

"Him Tash. We were trapped in there." He laughed. "You two? Why? Got your eye on him?" I held in my laugh because I saw our teacher glaring at us. "Shut up. We were just talking. He's a nice guy." He smiled.

I pulled his shoulder so he was facing me. "Did those words just come out of your mouth? Or was I dreaming?" I was surprised. He nodded. "He seemed to have changed." He shrugged and got out his English book.

"Ashton, did you really mean what you said in your text?" I frowned because it hurt me a little.

He shook his head.

"I was just angry, Natasha. I regret sending it the moment I sent it." He explained. I felt myself smile. "I'm really sorry Tash. Will you forgive me? I've been such a crappy friend lately. I should have been there, instead of pushing you away." He went on.

"Shh! Ashton stop it. I forgive you, I should say sorry as well, you were only looking out for me and all I did was push you away." I frowned.

"Friends?" He asked. "Friends, butt munch." I winked and focused back on what our teacher was saying.

"Natasha?" Ashton tapped my arm. I looked to my left and nodded to show that I was listening. "Michael spoke to me today." He said and I just froze. It's weird hearing his name so much lately. "H-he did?" I stuttered. "Yeah, he, uh, he asked how you were." He shrugged. Why was he acting like it was no big deal. "Why?" Was all I could ask. "He wanted to know." Was his remark.

"Michael can't just randomly ask that, after what he flippin' done." I whispered. "It was three years ago Tash." Ashton said. "So. Ashton, he had sex with another woman, whilst he was with me!" I whisper yelled at him. "I know Tash. I was there too." He gently placed his hand on top of mine to calm me down.

"What did you guys talk about?" I sighed. "Nothing much really. He said sorry, but I didn't accept it." Ashton said. I smiled weakly as Ashton was still sticking up for me. "It's weird that he's randomly talking to you." I stated. He's had what, three or two years to talk to any of us, and does he, no.

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