I'm Only Hearing This Now!

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It was pretty awkward that dad saw the events outside, but frankly, I'm glad it was him rather than my mum. I've been in my room for the past two hours as it was pretty late, and I could faintly hear my dad talking to my mum. I bet he's talking about Calum to her. Well, I'll find out when my mum comes barging in. But I highly doubt it.

I heard the Skype tune ringing in the distance. I walked over to my laptop and opened it up to see that Leah was calling. Why is she up this late? Normally she's an early bird when it comes to sleeping.

"Hello?" I replied with a question as I was a little worried to why she was still up. "I couldn't sleep, if you were wondering." She giggled. "Oh ha. Why couldn't you sleep?" I asked as I reached over for my small blanket and wrapped it around me as I felt a slight chill in my room.

"Don't know really. I was reading, and my book got interesting, but then Ben had to be an idiot." She closed her hands to form fists. "Ben?" I raised my eyebrow up. "The character in the book." She rolled her eyes. Well sorry. I'm not into books. So how would I know that you're talking about a fictional character who isn't even real?

"Anyway, I think I have some news that will be surprising to you." I smiled shyly. "Ooo, let's hear. I love gossip." She leaned closer into the camera which showed her whole face close up. "So, uh, Calum and I are-" before I could even finish, Leah was already smirking and interrupted me.

"Knew it!" She said a little too loud. "What?" My mouth went wide. "Tash, it's so predictable. You two clearly like each other. And from what you've told me that has happened between you, I could see it coming eventually." She winked. "Oh." Was all I could process. Was it really that obvious? I mean, I thought I kept my feelings hidden pretty well. Apparently not.

"So. When did he ask you?" She grinned in the computer screen. "Earlier." I felt a smile grow on my face. I mean, I've never thought that we would be going out together. I mean, a few months ago I didn't even know who he was. Just goes to show, a lot can happen and change within a period of time.

"No romantic date. No lead up, just earlier?" She frowned. "Le, I'll tell you tomorrow or something, it getting late." I yawned as I looked at the time and saw it was nearly 12 in the morning. "Tash, it's the weekend, you have all of tomorrow to sleep, now cough up." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes, she's not going to end the call until I tell her.

"Wait, wait, wait. Michael was there? Why?" She gasped. How the hell would I know? We live in the same town, of course there's going to be a likelihood that we'll bump into each other. "Le, if I knew I would kindly explain to myself as well." I joked. I heard my phone beep indicating that I've got a message. I quickly leaped forwards and reached my phone and then sat back up straight.

"What was that?" She smirked. "What?" I asked. I only leaned to get my phone, no big deal. "I bet it's your boyfriend." She winked at me. "No it's not." I giggled and pressed my home button to quickly check who it was. "From that grin plastered on your face, I know it's Calum." She laughed. I felt my cheeks burn as she was right. "It could be Ashton." I shrugged. "Oh yeah, because Ashton would make you blush like that." She said sarcastically.

"What did your boyfriend say?" She grinned again. "Why are you grinning whenever you say boyfriend?" I snapped a little. I mean, she's my friend, and friends always tease about crushes, and boyfriends, but it just annoys me at times. "Wow. Someone's miserable, I think you're due on friend." She laughed. "You didn't answer my question Leah." I sighed. She was right, I've been really moody and snappy lately, my period must be coming soon. "I'm grinning because it's been a while since you know, Michael." She shrugged.

What she said was true. I haven't dated anyone since Michael. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just, I find it a little hard to emotionally be attached to someone since what happened. It's like my trust has been broken slightly. I mean, I still trust people, a.k.a friends and family, but other than that, I'm a bit skeptical with people. Damn you Michael.

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