Dinners Ready

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I walked back to my room and it was empty. Did I just imagine all of this? I touched my neck and flinched as it started to hurt. Yeah. This was not a dream. But where did Calum go?

I made my way downstairs and headed to the kitchen. No one here. Just my dad checking on the cooking. I walked past the living and that's when I saw my mum talking to Calum. Oh no. Not just a normal conversation. She's right up in his face practically yelling questions at him. I ran in and glared at my mum.

"Nice for you to join us Natasha." Mum plastered a fake smile on her face. "Me, nice for you." I snapped back. "Please Natasha. We have a guest." I hear her emphasise the word guest. I looked at Calum and saw him sitting awkwardly. I mouthed sorry to him as I have know idea why my mum was being like that. He nodded to show that he didn't mind what my mum was doing.

"Why are you acting like this?" I sighed and held my head against my hands on the table. She whacked my arm as she hates it when I rest my head on my hand. "Acting like what?" She raised her eyebrow. "Honey. Could you come here please?" Dad called out. Saved by the bell. I was going to blow any minute.

"I'm so sorry Calum. My mum can be uh, really rude." I sighed and sat next to him. "It's okay Tash. She's a scary lady." He chuckled. Scary is not the word. "She's not normally like that." I reassured. She's always been funny with guys who I'm friends with. Apart from Ashton, that's only because she's friends with his parents.

"Seriously Tash, it's okay." He placed his hand slowly on to my leg, rubbing it so sooth me. "What was my mum asking before I walked in?" I leaned against his shoulder as it was relaxing just the two of us here in the room.

"Just questions." He shrugged. "Like?" I extending the word like an annoying child only to cause Calum to laugh. "How I know you. And what we are and that." He smirked. What we are? "Uh, what did you say?" I asked. "Nothing. I said nothing." He shrugged. It was a little relief because if he said that something was up, I'd be at my funeral tomorrow. But a part of me slightly felt disappointed because I knew we both like each other more than friends, and he just sat there as my mum questioned him.


Mum walked back in with the plates in one hand and cutlery in the other. I quickly got up to help her lay out the table. She shrugged off my gesture and just did it herself. I sat back down next to Calum and mum sat opposite me waiting for dad to come in with the food.

"What's your future plans?" Mum asked Calum. I wonder if he would actually talk to my mum or just ignore her. "I haven't made up my mind. I know I want to do something with music. But people say I'll go further if I take sports." He replied back. My mum just nodded and then looked at me. "Oh Natasha, there's an open day for one of your university offers next week." Mum straightened out the lay out of her cutlery. I nodded as I wasn't really that interested in it.

"Dinners ready." Dad sung as he walked through. He placed the food out and sat next to my mum. "What's wrong?" He asked as he noticed the tension in the air. "Nothing." I spoke up. He faced my mum and frowned. "I thought I said you would try?" He rubbed his temple with his fingers. "Evan. I did try, I tried before I found out what he's done." Mum scrolled at Calum.

"What are you talking about Sarah?" Dad sighed. "That boy right there is a disgusting man who thinks it's perfectly fine to treat woman like they're a napkin." Mum raised her voice. My eyes went wide. How in the world did she even know about that, when I just found out not long ago?

"What are you talking about Sarah? Calum's a nice lad." Dad smiled weakly as my mothers behaviour was shocking. "I'm telling the truth Evan. Ashton told me a while ago. I just ignored it as I didn't think Natasha's would be foolish enough to actually be with this, this child." She glared. I looked over and saw Calum with his head down avoiding eye contact. I looked back up and just saw my parents both judging Calum.

Mistake | Calum Hood Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora