Thats Not Like You

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"I still can't believe you, Natasha Dawley, did that!" Leah said in disbelief. We were currently eating our lunch in the cafeteria. "Did what?" Ashton came and sat next to me. I gave the look to Leah to signal that the conversation that we were having was over. I haven't told Ashton yet. The only reason is because I knew he would blow up if he knew.

"Tash farted in art earlier." Leah smirked. "Le!" I yelled. I cannot believe she made up that lie. She could have said anything but that.

Ashton was in tears. I've never seen him laugh this much since the time I was walking typing away on my phone, and he thought it would be funny to not let me know there was a lamppost in front of me. I face palmed into the lamppost. He was on the ground in tears.

"I hate you." I mouthed to Leah. "Love you too." She grinned. I looked at Ashton and saw him go stiff. The sweetness that always glowed in his eyes were gone. It looked like his hazel eyes went dark brown. I saw him bubble up with anger. I followed his glare to see where he was looking, and I found Calum looking at me.


I waved and Calum waved back, but he looked nervous. "I'm going." Ashton said bluntly and left randomly. I looked at Leah and she gave me the same look as well. "I'll go after him." I mentioned.

"Ashton." I called down the hall to get his attention. He just turned and stared at me, and just left. I was stood there confused at his actions. I turned back to go back to the cafeteria but I collided with someone. "I'm so sorry." We said at the same time. I looked up and saw Calum. "Sorry." I said awkwardly. "It's okay." He smiled showing the creases near his eyes, which caused me to smile as well. "I was going to come over earlier at the cafeteria, but I saw you go off." He said shyly. "Oh. I went to follow Ashton. He seemed funny today." I stated. His smile faded away. I decided to ask why he wanted to come over.

"So why did you want to come over?" I leaned against the lockers. He copied my actions, but instead he was right next to me and I had to look up at him due to the major height difference. "I wanted to say hi." He said blankly. "Shut up." I let out a dry laugh. "That's not the reason." I looked deep into his eyes. But some how I got distracted. I ended up just staring into his eyes that his voice faded away and the only thing I payed attention to was our eye communication.

I didn't notice that we were getting closer towards each other. I placed my hands around his neck and he placed his down by my waist. Slowly making his way around me, pulling me closer. I gasped when I felt his hand grip on my butt. I stared at his lips and so did he. We slowly moved closer, connecting our lips together.

"Uh Natasha?" I blinked and realised that it was all in my head. But I was up close to Calum though. All my blood rushed to my cheeks and caused me to blush like crazy. "Sorry, uh, what did you say before?" I've never felt this embarrassed before. I don't know what came over me. I've never day dreamed that bad before, like ever.

"Nothing." He grinned. I was glad that he didn't say anything to why I ended up going close up to him and just staring into his eyes. I was glad that the bell rang, as it practically saved me from doing anything else more stupider.

I quickly scurried away and made my way to English. "Where did you go?" Leah asked as I sat down in my seat. Ashton came and sat with us, so I quickly jotted down what happened and slid it to her so Ashton wouldn't see.

I bumped into Calum.

"I know that. I saw him follow you." Leah whispered. I paused. She saw him follow me.

I'll text you the rest because I don't even know what's happening to me.

Leah nodded and we payed attention as we were coming up to our finals, and let's just say we all want to pass and not fail this year. "Natasha can I talk to you after school?" Ashton spoke without looking at me. "Yeah sure, what's up?" I asked. It seems like something has been bothering him all day. He ignored me and sat in silence. I sighed and started to doodle on my book as my English teacher was just talking about what not to do in exams. We all know what not to do, yet he repeats it every year.

I felt my phone vibrate, indicating that I got a text. I quickly slid my phone out of my pocket and checked my screen to see who it was.

From: Calum
You look bored :P

I scrunched my eyes and thought maybe he sent it to the wrong person. I looked up and scanned around the whole classroom. He can't be here as we don't have the same English class. I then saw the top half of his head through the small window of the door. I smiled and shook my head at how weird he was.

To: Calum
I am :'D shouldn't you be in lesson? ;)

I quickly checked my surroundings just in case my teacher noticed but he was reading all the precautions from his computer.

From: Calum
Then bunk ;) and yeah, but I got bored too

I can't just leave the lesson as I am in it. My teacher would think that I'm some odd person.

To: Calum
Don't you think my teacher is going to ask why I'm leaving 15 minutes into the lesson? :'D

I looked through the window and saw Calum motioning his arms for me to leave.

From: Calum
Say you have to collect something from another class :) that should work

To: Calum
What if it doesn't?

From: Calum
Then I'll come and get you ;)

I looked up at the door and saw him smirking through the window. "You wouldn't dare." I mouthed to him. That's when he knocked on the door and entered in. "Excuse me Mr Dubral but Natasha Dawley needs to see Miss Bosell about the house meeting." Calum lied. "How long will it be Mr Hood? Because I can't have Natasha coming in and out of my class." Mr Dubral removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "Just for this hour sir." Calum stated. Mr Dubral raised his hand up to indicate that I could leave. 

"You're one terrible liar." I said once I closed the door. "It worked didn't it?" He grinned. "Yeah, but we're both dead if he goes and ask Miss Bosell about us." I stated. "Ah, but my good old friend, you see, Mr Dubral is those types of teachers who don't enquire about students. He's a pretty crap teacher to be honest." Calum explained. I just nodded with his reply and we were just walking around the halls of the school and ended up at this closed door.

"Uh Calum?" I queried. "Yeah?" He looked at me. "You took me out of English to take me to a close door to God knows what's behind it?" I laughed. "Pretty much." He held in a straight face but then let out a small cute laugh.

He opened the door and held onto my hand and leaded the way to this dark room that looked like it hasn't been used in years. Then he switched on the light, and I absorbed my surroundings.

It looks like this used to be a storage room, but the only things left here were a few papers scattered around the floor, and a few cabinets and chairs. "Uh, okay." I let out a awkward laugh. "It's the only place where teachers don't come. This is like an abandoned part of the school." Calum replied to my question, sort of.

"How do you know?" I asked. "You ask a lot of question Tash. Trust me." He smiled. "You called me Tash." I smiled. People don't call me Tash, only my close friends and family. "To show you that you can trust me." He reached out to hold onto my hand.

"I trust you."

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