Young Potato

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Ashton just left randomly last night after I told him who I was hanging out with. I knew Ashton didn't like Calum, but he's been acting a lot more weirder lately. Like he's been on edge with me. I don't think I did anything wrong, but I need to talk to him because I don't like this weird behaviour.

After making my way back from the bathroom I saw my phone light up. I walked over towards it and saw that I got a new message.

From: Callum :P
Hey Natasha! How are you? :D

To: Callum :P
Hey Calum, I'm good thank you, how are you doing young potato? :P

I've never really called someone a young potato, but I might as well start now.

From: Callum :P
Young Potato? You're so weird Natasha. And I am doing well young spud ;)

To: Callum :P
That's just another word for potato

From: Callum :P
I couldn't think of another word to call you :P

To: Callum :P
There there young one, you'll be a grand potato once you've grown into potatoness

I have no idea what I am talking about. Hopefully he'll understand my oddness.

From: Callum :P
So I'm a potato?

I let a out a laugh.

To: Callum :P
Yes :'D

To: Callum :P
It's a good thing :)

From: Callum :P
Why? ;)

Him and that damn face.

To: Callum :P
You see, the potato has many good features. Everyone loves a potato. There's no bad side towards it :)

From: Callum :P
Are we really having a conversation about potatoes? :)

To: Callum :P
Yes, yes we are ;)

From: Callum :P
So young potato ;) ready for today?

To: Callum :P
I believe that's my nickname for you potato ;) and yeah, are you?

From: Callum :P
Okay okay :) and yes, at 2 right?

To: Callum :P
You're correct young one

From: Callum :P
Young one?

To: Callum :P
Figure of speech, potato ;)

From: Callum :P
Oh hah, I'll let you get ready, see you at Costa x

To: Callum :P
Okay :) see you soon potato ;)


"Where are you off to?" Mum asked as she saw me heading towards the door.

"I'm just going to hang out with a friend." I said. "Who?" She asked. "Calum." I said. She doesn't really know who Calum is, but I know she won't get weird.

"How come I've never heard of him before?" She raised her eyebrow. "We're doing a project together." I lied. If I told her that it was a random person she would go nuts.

"Hm, okay. Just message me when you're on your way home." Mum hugged me goodbye and I headed to Costa cafe.

As I was walking to Costa I heard my phone going off. I picked my phone out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was Ashton.

"We meet again young potato." I let out a small laugh. I think I'm getting carried away with the whole potato thing.

"You okay Natasha?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"You called me young potato. You've never called me that." He pointed out.

"So you remember everything I say to you then?" I smirked which made Ashton go quiet on the other end of the line.

"So what's up?" I asked because he called me randomly.

"Can we hang out today? I'm really bored. My family's gone out for the day. And me being stupid, I told them to go without me." He giggled. For a tall dude you wouldn't expect his laugh to be so girly like.

"Sorry Ash, I'm actually out at the moment. But I can meet up afterwards because I don't think I'll be that long out." I replied.

"Oh. W-where are you going?" He sounded sad.

"No where fancy. Just Costa." I let out a small laugh.

"On your own?" He mentioned.

"Who goes to Costa on their own Ash?" I laughed.

"Uh you." He laughed as well.

"No Ashton. I'm meeting up with someone." I don't know if I should tell him that it is Calum because them two are really odd when they're left together or even mentioned about.

"Who is this person may I ask?" He tried to sound all posh.

"Stop acting posh you idiot. And a friend." I simply stated.

As I walked up to Costa I saw Calum standing there. "Hi Natasha." He waved. "Who was that?" Ashton tone of voice changed. "What?" I tried to distract him. "I said, who was that Natasha? Because that voice sounded familiar." He sounded like he was getting angry.

"I've got to go, but I'll talk to you later, bye." I ended the call before he could reply back. I know that sounded mean, but Ashton can be really blunt when he's angry. He had nothing to get mad about. Calum and I are just hanging out. It's not a crime.

"Hey Calum." I smiled and walked into the cafe. "Would you like anything?" He asked. "Um, a small hot chocolate please." I replied back. He smiled and ordered our drinks. I made my way over to a free table. I sat there and waited for Calum to come back with the drinks.

"So who were you talking to earlier?" He placed down the tray. "On the phone?" I asked. He nodded and passed my drink over to me. "Thanks. And it was just my friend." I replied. "This is weird." Calum stated. "What? The drink?" I said whilst taking a sip of my hot chocolate. "No. The drinks fine. I mean this." He pointed at me.

I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked. "It's weird because we always talk by text and now we're in person." He looked nervous. "I thought it would be easier." I let out a small laugh. "Your laugh is cute." He was looking at his drink as he said that. "You think? I hate it." I said whilst holding up my cup to cover my now blushing cheeks.

"Yeah. It's so soft and not loud like the fake laughs most girls do." He looked at me and smirked. He got his hand and placed my cup down. "If you blush you blush." He smiled. "It's embarrassing." I covered my cheeks again. "It's not, honestly. I think it's cute. I mean we all blush in our lives." He stated. "Yeah. But it's embarrassing when a hot dude makes you blush and he notices." I stated and my eyes went wide as I realised what I just said. I always tell Ashton straight up when I find a guy hot. It's just a girls nature, and this time I happen to say it directly to a hot guy. There's no going back now.

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